check gross profit, margin and total cost

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please evaluate the work I've done on a spreadsheet. I made mistake on the gross profit, margin and total cost. I did all of it, just need a quick evaluation.

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Test Questions Part 1 - Formatting: 1. Insert a column to the right of Product Name and Size and use text to columns to split the size from the Product Name. Rename the column headers 2. Use the "Find and Replace" function within Excel to replace anything that says "Gender Neutral" with "Neutral". 3. Please sort the the entire table in alphabetical order by "Vendor" 4. Change the format of Wholesale Cost to be in $ format. 5. Change "% off Wholesale" to be rounded to 0 decimal points. 6. Change the row height to be 20 for each row 7. Use conditional formating to highlight duplicate values in the Product Name column red with red text. 8. Put the table columns in this order: Vendor, Product Name, Country of Origin, Size, Gender, wholesale cost, % off wholesale, zulily cost, retail price 9. Hide the Country or Origin column 10. Use conditional formatting to highlight "% off Wholesale" values that are less then 20% off. Part 2 - Data Management/Formulas: (please note - cells highlighted in yellow NOTE: All sums should be at the bottom of the column in the provided highlighted cells. 1. Calculate "zulily cost" column based on information in the"Wholesale Cost" & "% off wholesale cost" columns. 2. Calculate "zulily % off retail price" based on "retail price (MSRP)" & "zulily sale price". 3. Sum the "Starting Inventory" at the bottom. 4. Based on the sell through percentage, calculate the total units sold for each vendor. Format the cells to round the units sold to the nearest solid 5. Calculate the total sell-through based on Starting Inventory and Units Sold. 6. Using zulily Sale Price and Units Sold, calculate the zulily Total Demand. 7. Using Unit sold and zulily cost, calculate Total zulily COGS. 8. Calculate zulily Gross Profit $ 9. Calculate the Gross Margin Rate. 10. At the bottom of each column, calculate the total Units Sold, Total zulily Demand, Total zulily COGS and zulily Profit. 11. Calculate the total zulily Gross Margin % Vendor Absorba AdoraBelle Pettiskirts Anne Geddes Bella Bling Bella Bling Bella Bling Chick Lingo Dollie & Me Dr. Bloom Joyous & Free Kanu Surf Boys Kanu Surf Girls Kanu Surf Women Melissa & Doug My Blankee My First Organics Raj Imports Sneak A' Roos Teva Twin Sisters Product Name Orange Ruffle Romper Pretty Pink Tutu Motherhood Journal Pink Girls' Tights White Glitter Hat White Glitter Hat Frozen Tee Cozy Pajama Set Gray Necklace Women's Shift Dress Green Corduroy Pants Purple Cotton Halter Dress Flouncy Tunic Top Wooden Puzzle Set Green Receiving Blanket Organic Seed Planting Kit Women's Chevron Poncho Pink Striped Mary Jane Shoes Women's Turquoise Sandals Bedtime Stories Set Totals Size 12 months 2T one size 2T 6/12 months 6/12 months 3T 5 one size 6 7 6x 8 one size one size no size 4 Toddler 2 Size 6.5 n/a gender Neutral Girl Women Girl Girl Girl Neutral Girl Women Women Boy Girl Women Neutral Girl Neutral Women Girl Women Neutral wholesale cost $10,49 $11,91 $14,16 $30,44 $13,13 $13,13 $14,23 $16,28 $14,70 $15,75 $15,75 $14,96 $17,31 $26,25 $20,99 $27,29 $34,64 $33,08 $26,25 $47,25 $417,97 % off wholesale 25% 50% 35% 15% 20% 20% 25% 30% 60% 25% 30% 40% 15% 25% 30% 15% 30% 25% 15% 45% zulily cost $7,87 $5,95 $9,21 $25,87 $10,50 $10,50 $10,67 $11,39 $5,88 $11,81 $11,03 $8,98 $14,72 $19,69 $14,69 $23,20 $24,25 $24,81 $22,31 $25,99 retail price zulily % off Starting (MSRP) retail price zulily price Inventory $21,98 32% $ 14,99 12 $24,95 31% $ 17,22 16 $29,68 37% $ 18,57 20 $63,78 45% $ 34,77 48 $27,50 28% $ 19,92 24 $27,50 28% $ 19,92 24 $29,81 29% $ 21,27 660 $34,10 34% $ 22,62 10 $30,80 22% $ 23,97 28 $33,00 23% $ 25,32 32 $33,00 19% $ 26,67 51 $31,35 43% $ 18,00 533 $36,28 19% $ 29,37 36 $55,00 44% $ 30,72 40 $43,98 27% $ 32,07 31 $57,18 42% $ 33,42 44 $72,58 50% $ 36,12 50 $69,30 46% $ 37,47 52 $55,00 29% $ 38,82 112 $99,00 59% $ 40,17 56 1.879 Sell through % 50% 25% 15% 23% 20% 80% 10% 25% 36% 45% 12% 18% 45% 55% 60% 65% 7% 44% 21% 50% Units Sold 6 4 3 11 5 19 66 3 10 14 6 96 16 22 19 29 4 23 24 28 406 total zulily demand $90 $69 $56 $384 $96 $382 $1.404 $57 $242 $365 $163 $1.727 $476 $676 $597 $956 $126 $857 $913 $1.125 $10.759 total zulily cost $47 $24 $28 $286 $50 $202 $704 $28 $59 $170 $67 $861 $238 $433 $273 $663 $85 $568 $525 $728 $6.040 Zulily gross zulily gross profit margin % $43 48% $45 65% $28 50% $98 26% $45 47% $181 47% $700 50% $28 50% $182 75% $195 53% $96 59% $866 50% $237 50% $243 36% $323 54% $292 31% $42 33% $290 34% $388 43% $397 35% $4.718 47%
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Total costs in excel should be indicated as total cost of goods sold (COGs) Zulily’s total cost ...

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