Good grammar please. 2 full double-spaced pages. Who is August Wilson

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Prompt (what you are writing about):

Who is August Wilson and how do his plays in The Pittsburgh Cycle—particularly Fences—reflect the society in which they are set?

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ENG 130: Literature and Comp ENG 130: Research Essay Essay ENG 130: Research Essay Source: Fences by August Wilson (pages 1270-1331) Prompt (what you are writing about): Who is August Wilson and how do his plays in The Pittsburgh Cycle—particularly Fences— reflect the society in which they are set? Writing Tasks:  Research August Wilson, his life, The Pittsburgh Cycle of plays, and how they reflect the eras in which the plays are set.  You must have at least four outside sources that are academic and reliable.  Create an essay that is 2 to 3 pages and analyzes the following criteria: o August Wilson’s life and accomplishments o The plays that are included in Wilson’s The Pittsburgh Cycle including brief summaries each play. o Research on the era and location in which Fences is set.  This is a research essay and not an argumentative essay.  Include direct quotes and paraphrases from your researched information  Be sure that you have in text citations and corresponding reference citations for all quoted material, paraphrased material, and newly researched material. Requirements:  Length and format: 2-3 pages.  The title page and reference page are also required, but they should not be factored into the 2-3 page length of the essay.  It should also be double spaced, written in Times New Roman, in 12 point font and with 1 inch margins. Essay should conform to APA formatting and citation style.  Use the third-person, objective voice, avoiding personal pronouns such as “I,” “you,” “we,” etc.  Please use the above source and at least four outside sources to create a properly-formatted APA reference page.  Use APA format for in-text citations and references when using outside sources and textual evidence.  Skills to be assessed with this assignment: researching abilities; APA formatting; ability to incorporate research fluidly into an essay format; proper formatting of in text citations and reference citations; choosing academic and reliable sources for use in a formal essay  Please be cautious about plagiarism. Make sure to use in-text citations for direct quotes, paraphrases, and new information. Research Essay Rubric Organization Does Not Meet Expectations 0-11 Many details are not in a logical or expected order. The paper does not use paragraphs. Evidence and Support Does not include text support and/or text support is not cited. Integration of Knowledge The essay demonstrates that the author has not fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course. APA Format Grammar and Mechanics APA format is not followed. Grammar and mechanics’ errors make the essay incomprehensible. Below Expectations 12-13 Writing may have little discernible organization, but some details are not in a logical or expected order. The paper uses paragraphs ineffectively. Very little evidence is given and used in the essay properly. Research evidence is not incorporated. Evidence may not relate to the thesis statement. Evidence is cited but not with the proper formatting. The essay demonstrates gaps in knowledge of applied concepts learned in the course. Errors evident throughout all of the areas: 1 inch margins, correctly formatted title page, correctly formatted reference page, double spacing, Times New Roman,12 font. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics errors occur throughout Needs Improvement 14-15 Writing has adequate discernible organization. Paragraphs are generally used effectively. Satisfactory 16-17 Writing is organized and details are placed in a logical order. Paragraphs are mostly used effectively. Meets Expectations 18-20 Writing is effective, purposeful, and well-organized. Paragraphs are used effectively. Some evidence is used from two research sources and/or evidence is somewhat related to the thesis statement. Evidence may or may not always cited properly. Evidence is used from three outside sources and/or evidence is mostly tied to the thesis statement and used properly and is cited properly. Evidence is integrated from at least four outside sources and/or evidence is used effectively and cited properly. The essay demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. The essay demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper. Errors evident in three to four of the areas of: 1 inch margins, correctly formatted title page, correctly formatted reference page, double spacing, Times New Roman, 12 font. Several errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling and Errors evident in one to two of the areas of: 1 inch margins, correctly formatted title page, correctly formatted reference page, double spacing, Times New Roman, 12 font. Some spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanical errors The essay demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas. Free of errors in: 1 inch margins, correctly formatted title page, correctly formatted reference page, double spacing, Times New Roman, 12 font. Free of punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other document. Word choices are seldom academic. Sentence structure may be illogical or unclear. mechanics present. Word choice reveals some understanding of academic language requirements. Many sentence structure issues exist. are evident. Academic language is upheld. The sentence structure is often logical and clear so that relationships among ideas are established. mechanical errors. Consistent use of academic word choices. Sentence structure is mostly logical and clear.
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August Wilson
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August Wilson
August Wilson was an American playwright who was bone on 27th April 1945 and died
on 2nd October 2005 age sixty years. He was the son of Fredric a German immigrant and Daisy
an African-American woman whose work was to clean homes to earn a living. August was the
fourth bone in a family of six children and they lived in the hill district of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. Wilson’s work was about the documentation of African-American lives and the
people he grew up with in his locality (Elkins, 2013). The playwright wrote ten plays which all
explore the experience of African-American people over 100 years. All his work is collectively
known as the Pittsburgh cycle or the century cycle. The plays were documented in different
decades; nine of them were set in Pittsburgh’s Hill District while the other one was set in
Chicago (Gantt, 2009). Even though the plays were not strictly connected in their themes, some
characters have been repeated in more than one play which makes them very interesting. For
example, children of some characters in earlier plays have ap...

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