Recycling of Aluminum

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Topic: The topic for the blog is “Recycling of Aluminum” Description: Search and read several sources on recycling of Aluminum. Select at least 10 references to prepare the blog. References may include papers, magazines, books, websites, etc. You must use reliable sources only. DO NOT COPY-PASTE from your references, except when you are doing a particular citation, in that case, include the reference number. Analysis: It is very important for you as an engineering student to acquire new knowledge and to recognize the ethical and professional responsibilities of your decisions. Consider personal as well as commercial aspects throughout your blog. The following sections should be included: Introduction: details?, tech o 1 paragraph: Include a short description on how the recycling of aluminum is performed. What technologies are available. o 1 - 2 paragraphs: Include specific information on aluminum recycling in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, and global. This section may include, but it's not limited to: recycling company names, amount of aluminum recycled per year, challenges for recycling companies. 1 Global Context: 1 paragraph: Discuss ethical and professional responsibilities of aluminum recycling in a global context. challenges, mayb . • Economic Context: 1 paragraph: Discuss ethical and professional responsibilities of aluminum recycling in an economic context. X 2 • Environmental Context: 1 paragraph: Discuss ethical and professional responsibilities of aluminum recycling in an environmental context. ? Societal Context: I paragraph: Discuss ethical and professional responsibilities of aluminum recycling in a societal context. Dates: • Assigned date: October 22, 2018 • Due date: November 26, 2018 . Essay Format: The essay should have two complete pages. Figures, references and other information you consider important should be in additional pages. Do not include cover page. • Single space; Times New Roman font: 12 pt. font size; and 1 in. margins on all sides. Use square brackets for the reference number i.e. [1]. The reference's numbers must be shown throughout the essay (in the order they appear). Evaluation criteria: The essay corresponds to 10% of the final grade for the class. • The essay will be graded in a 100 points scale. The criterion for grading the essay includes: o Format (2 pages, references, margins, font type, font size, etc.): 20 points o Introduction: 30 points o Discussion: 50 points Remember that 10 points per day will be deducted for late essays.
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Aluminum is a chemical element in the boron group and a non-magnetic, ductile metal. It
is the most abundant metal on the earth's crust and third most abundant element on the earth's
Terrain expanse. The process of recycling aluminum begins with washing the waste aluminum
products with industrial grade high-pressure sprinklers for example beverage cans,
manufacturing scrap, car scrap, and aerospace alloys. The second step of the process is remelting the aluminum and turning it molten at temperatures exceeding 934 K in a furnace; this
removes coatings and inks present in the aluminum. In the third step, the molten aluminum is
cast into large blocks called ingots, each block containing approximately 1.6 million soda cans.
After this, the ingots are sent to mills and are rolled out into thin aluminum sheets which have
been reduced to a thickness of about a hundredth of an inch. These rolls are then coiled and sent
to manufacturers and afterward to beverage companies for filing [1]. The new cans return to
shelves in a period no less than 60 days ready for use after which they undergo the same cyclic
The aluminum recycling business in Kansas City is a service provided by multiple
companies in the Kansas City area such as KC Iron and Metal Inc., Advantages Metals
Recycling LLC, Wabash Iron and Metal Co Inc. and the Langley Recycling Inc. to name a few
of these companies. Specific focus on Advantages Metals Recycling LLC established in 1977 as
Galamba Metals Group and later purchased and renamed in 2008 by The David J. Joseph
Company reveals that they offer mobile compacting of aluminum waste as well as facilitating ...

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