my topic is" Artificial intelligence " all details are in the documents

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SUNY at Albany


its the easy screenshot and Briefly describe the contents of the quoted articles.

all details are in the documents

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Audio Podcast - Research Project overview You must identify one podcast that you expect to use in your final research project. NOTE: What makes the podcast authoritative is the content -- language/jargon from the field, expertise of the authors, noted sources, report of research results -- you need to listen and evaluate the source. This is an easy assignment. I want you to access a podcast search engine and search for your topic. Make sure to read the description to make sure the podcast matches your topic. You may have to broaden your search to get better results. Instructions 1. Open up a Word document. Save as podcast.doc 2. Access one of the following podcast search engines: • LISTENOTES ( • FluidDATA ( 3. Type your search strategy into the search box 4. Review your results and if needed fine tune the search results 5. Once you have quality results, use your “print screen” button to capture the search (make sure it contains the search) 6. Paste this into podcast.doc 7. Select one podcast that best meets your search that is authoritative 8. Type the citation for the podcast using the APA style guide CitationFox ( 9. Listen to the podcast 10. Write an annotation for the podcast An annotation is an objective description or summary of a work and can include a critical or subjective evaluation of a piece of work. Annotations contain each of the following: • description – tells what the source contains • summary – tells what the main findings are • evaluation – tells what you think of the source The annotation needs to be 150-200 words, in approximately 7 coherent sentences. These annotations will demonstrate that you have read, understood and responded to the source. 11. Upload your work to Blackboard Grading Search Screen shot of search Authoritative Source Citation for podcast Annotation for podcast Total …..3 points (cannot grade if there isn't a screen shot) …..3 points …..4 points …..5 points ......5 points …..20 points Research Project
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Podcast Review: Artificial Intelligence
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Podcast Review: Artificial Intelligence
Image 1: below is shows a screenshot of an ‘artificial intelligence’ topic search




Annotated Bibliography
Rhodes, M. (2018). How artificial intelligence is changing marketing. Listen Notes. Retrieved
This podcast primarily explores the significant impact of artificial intelligence on the
marketing industry, particularly in the wake of globalization and rise of the internet and
technology. So...

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