need someone to do a great job question

User Generated




  1. Understand the meaning of extrinsic motivation.

  2. Define S.M.A.R.T. goals.

  3. Understand how values are related to motivations.

  4. Know the steps involved in writing a personal mission statement.

  5. Know the difference between long and short term goals.

  6. Understand different ways to help time management.

  7. Know the advantages and limitations of a to-do list.

  8. Know how a syllabus is used.

  9. Understand the difference between fixed-time and flexible-time activities.

  10. Know the advantages and disadvantages of electronic time management tools.

  11. Understand the various learning preferences.

  12. Describe active listening techniques.

  13. Understand the SQ3R active reading strategy.

  14. Explain techniques for effective highlighting.

  15. Define mnemonic devices.

  16. Review effective study habits.

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