How to write the Philosophy Paper
Writing the Philosophy Paper
On this page:
Getting Started
Writing the Paper
Philosophy papers may be about a pressing moral issue, such as
whether cloning should be allowed or whether the death penalty is
ethical. They may be about a topic of scientific interest, such as whether
the mind is the same thing as the brain. Or they may center on a more
abstract issue, such as the nature of infinity. Philosophy papers
sometimes focus on interpreting other philosophers, for example, on
how best to interpret some of Descartes' arguments for God's existence.
Politicians write about ethical issues, psychologists write about the
mind and brain, mathematicians write about infinity, and theologians
write about God. So what makes a paper on any of these topics a
philosophy paper? A philosophy paper presents a reasoned defense of
some thesis. So a philosophy paper typically does at least one of the
Defend a thesis by offering plausible reasons to support it
Defend a thesis by showing that arguments against it are
Criticize a thesis by showing that the arguments for it are
Contrast two or more views on a given issue and argue for one view
over the other
In advancing a position on something like the death penalty, a
philosopher may need to discuss certain facts (like the racial makeup
of the death row population, or the cost of life imprisonment versus
execution). However, philosophy papers are not primarily factual
How to write the Philosophy Paper
reports or research papers. Similarly, philosophy papers are not
primarily summaries of other people's views, nor are they mere
statements of opinion.
Central to philosophy is the idea of an argument. Arguments consist of
a conclusion and reasons offered in support of the conclusion. The
reasons offered to support a conclusion are called 'premises'. Typically,
philosophy papers have a central argument. They often have subsidiary
arguments as well. So, a paper arguing against the death penalty, as it is
currently instituted, might have the following structure:
Premise 1: The death penalty is a racially discriminatory practice.
Premise 2: Racially discriminatory practices are immoral.
Conclusion: The death penalty as it is currently carried out is
In fact, the central argument of a philosophy paper is typically more
complex than this, but the above gives us a starting point. If this were
the central argument of the paper, the author would then be expected
to support each premise. The conclusion simply follows from the
premises, so the bulk of the paper would be devoted to supporting the
premises. In defending premise 1, some appeal to facts would be made.
Additionally, the author would need to determine what constitutes
racial discrimination, and what does not. In defending premise 2,
further subarguments would be needed. For instance, you would need
to discuss what constitutes immorality.
Getting Started
If you do not have an assigned paper topic, then you'll need to start by
picking a topic. It's probably best to pick a topic that at first seems too
narrow. For example, the topic of whether God exists is way too broad.
A more appropriate topic might be whether one particular argument for
God's existence is successful or not. A paper might even focus on a
narrower topic, such as whether one objection to one argument for
God's existence is satisfactory. Picking such a narrow topic might strike
you as boring at first. But many philosophy assignments call for
relatively short papers, and it's better to make one small point
thoroughly and convincingly than it is to cover a lot of ground.
How to write the Philosophy Paper
After you've picked your topic, you may want to try setting aside some
time to figure out what you think about the issue. And you may find it
helpful to make an outline which reflects the structure of your
argument. On the other hand, you may find that your view emerges or
changes quite a lot as you write. For this reason, it's a good idea to leave
yourself plenty of time for rewrites. A second draft is likely to be hugely
better than a first draft, and a third draft better than the second.
Writing the Paper
Don't begin your paper with phrases like "Since the dawn of time,
people have asked..." This is pure torture for your reader. Furthermore,
this phrase is unlikely to be more pertinent to your particular
philosophy paper than to thousands of other philosophy papers.
Imagine if every philosophy paper began this way! Instead, begin your
paper in a way that takes the reader right into your topic. Here are a
couple of different approaches. The second example is from a Supreme
Court decision, but it could serve equally well as an introduction to a
philosophy paper on the death penalty.
In this paper, I will examine the argument that the death penalty
should be abolished because it has been and will continue to be
imposed in an arbitrary manner.
"This argument has been central to discussion of capital punishment
since the Supreme Court ruling in the 1972 case Furman v. Georgia.
(Stephen Nathanson, "Does It Matter If the Death Penalty Is Arbitrarily
Administered?" Philosophy and Public Affairs, 14, No.2, 1985)
On February 23, 1994, at approximately 1:00 A.M., Bruce Edwin
Callins will be executed by the State of Texas. Intravenous tubes
attached to his arms will carry the instrument of death, a toxic fluid
designed specifically for the purpose of killing human beings. The
witnesses, standing a few feet away, will behold Callins, no longer a
defendant, an appellant, or a petitioner, but a man, strapped to a
gurney, and seconds away from extinction. (Justice Blackmun,
Dissenting Opinion in Callins v. Callins)
How to write the Philosophy Paper
Make the structure of your paper clear to your reader
One way of doing this is to divide your paper into sections and to state
at the outset of the paper what you will do in each section. Another is
simply to give the reader guideposts along the way. You might say
you're going to discuss three objections to a certain claim, and then
introduce each objection as you get to it with a phrase like "turning to
the second objection", or "the final objection is..."
Also, use of words like "therefore," "thus," "because," "since" indicates
which of your claims are conclusions and which are being made in
support of conclusions.
If you find yourself using phrases like "before addressing X, I will
discuss Y..." more than a couple of times, you may want to consider an
alternative organizational strategy.
Finally, think about the contribution each paragraph is making toward
your overall point. If a paragraph isn't contributing, it shouldn't be
there. If it contains some point you really want to make, even though
the point doesn't contribute to your main thesis, try putting the point in
a footnote. Once you know what role each paragraph plays in your
paper, think about how and whether each sentence contributes to the
paragraph of which it is a part. Finally, look at the word choices you've
made. Have you picked the best words to convey your meaning?
Word Choice and Tone
Make Careful Word Choices
In writing philosophy, it's important to make careful and thoughtful
word choices. Sometimes you'll need to make explicit for the reader
how you are using a given term. Terms should be used consistently.
Also, it's important to be careful when using what might seem like
For example, in a paper concerning the morality of abortion, it would
be a mistake to use the words "person" and "human being"
interchangeably, at least without saying at the outset that you are going
to do so. Philosophers typically assume that the word "person" refers to
How to write the Philosophy Paper
beings with some sort of moral standing. "Human being" on the other
hand is considered a biological term. So to many philosophers, the
claim that persons have rights is much less controversial than the claim
that human beings have rights.
Finally, be sure you understand how the philosophers you are writing
about are using important terms. For example, if you are writing about
Plato's view of Justice, you should not assume he is using the word in
the same way it gets used in Law & Order.
Avoid Redundancy
This doesn't mean you should never repeat yourself in a paper. You
may need to repeat the most important points. But take into
consideration the length of your paper. In a twenty page paper, or a
thesis, it's appropriate at times to remind the reader of what was said
before. In a four page paper, there' s not much need to do this.
Be charitable
If you are criticizing the work of a philosopher, first present that
person's work in the most charitable light. Also, don't say things like "In
the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle shows his stupidity when he says..."
These sorts of statements not only fail to contribute to your overall
argument, but come off as arrogant.
Using Sources
Use Quotations Wisely
Many philosophy papers call for some use of quotation. Papers
discussing how to interpret a text typically require much use of
quotation. If you are discussing how to interpret a certain passage of
text, you will definitely need to quote that text for the reader.
Furthermore, quotations can be used effectively to support points in
your paper. However, don't include more quotations than necessary.
Sometimes students include four quotations where one would do. This
can give the impression that you don't have enough to say and are using
quotations to take up space. Also, the excessive use of quotes in an
exposition of a philosopher's view may be taken to indicate that you
How to write the Philosophy Paper
don't understand the position well enough to explain it in your own
One Final Tip
Read Your Paper Out Loud
Read your paper out loud to yourself or someone else. It's a great way
to catch places where you are insufficiently clear and places where your
writing is awkward.
Philosophy eResources folder from the Digital
Library at Dartmouth
Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper (James
Pryor, Princeton University))
Written by Ann Bumpus
Last modified: July 12, 2005
Dartmouth College
Copyright © 2004
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