Algebra Equations: y=1/x and y=2x

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What is the solution for y=1/x (1 over x)? I do not know the answer for this equation, please help. The equation is y=1/x. I also have another equation, y=2x. What is the solution for both of these equations. Thxs!

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Explanation & Answer

Both of these equations can only be solved by drawing a graph as they do not have a definite answer.

For y=1/x

If x is 1 y is 1/1 = 1
if x is 2, y = 1/2 = 0.5
if x is 3, y = 1/3 = 0.33
If x is -1, y = 1/-1 = - 1
if x is - 2 y = 1/-2 = - 1/2 = - 0.5 etc.

It will form a hyperbola

For y = 2x

This is very easy. First you make a table of values for x and y. Pick some values for x (such as -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3). Then to use the x values to get the corresponding y values by plugging them into the equation.

For example:
When x = -3
y = 2x = 2(-3) = -6

When x = -2
y = 2x = 2(-2) = -4

When x = -1
y = 2x = 2(-1) = -2

Table of values:
.x | y
-3 | -6
-2 | -4
-1 | -2 

It will form a straight line.

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