Hey I will upload three files the first one is lab manual and the second one is powerpoint slide to help you in doing the report and answer the question. Then, I will also upload the 1 Worksheet for the lab, which you will use to write the report on. also the last two are the rustle my group number is 8
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fine.. Expect a good job as always..
Biology 115 Lab Fall 2018
Lab 8 Worksheet
I. Student Name:
Group Members:
[0.5 pts]
DNA Analysis From DNA To Protein – Transcription And Translation
[0.5 pts]
1. The bacterial cells with the plasmid and the ampicillin resistance gene will grow and will fluoresce in
the presence of ultraviolet light
IV. Introduction
IVA. General Theory/Background
This lab included the use of the important techniques which allow manipulation of DNA in order to alter
genes of specific cells. Escherichia coli is an organism which is used for genetic transformation due to its
features that allow it to be easy to work with in the lab. Therefore the aim was to transform bacterial
cells with plasmid DNA and then observe the new phenotypic traits that were attained from the genes
that were conveyed from the plasmid.
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Biology 115 Lab Fall 2018
Lab 8 Worksheet
IVB. Summary of Overall Approach
Once the cells are transformed, the presence of the introduced gene will be confirmed through the use
of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and agarose gel electrophoresis.
PCR is used to make multiple copies of a portion of DNA through the process of DNA replication. The
components of a PCR reaction mix include a template, a primer to begin a new DNA strand,
deoxyribonucelotides, and a DNA polymerase. This process can be carried out in a test tube. The three
steps in PCR are denaturation (separating DNA), annealing primers, and extension. In the first step,
double-stranded DNA is heated to 94ºC, so that the hydrogen bonds can be broken, which causes the
two strands to separate and become templates for the creation of new DNA strands. During the second
step, the temperature is lowered to 55ºC and the primers anneal to DNA complementary sequences on
the template strands. In the last step, an enzyme called Taq polymerase is used to extend the primer by
bringing complementary nucleotides which make phosphodiester linkages. This builds a complementary
strand to the template strand. The reason why this specific enzyme is used is because heat is added in
this step, and heat causes many enzymes to denature. However, Taq polymerase is found in bacteria
that live in hot springs and therefore functions at high temperatures
Procedure_ part 1: PCR Reaction
We put on glove to avoid contaminating the PCR mixtures
Tubes were kept on ice
Used new tip for each addition
Added reagents to the tubes as shown below
Tube 1 (ul)
Tube 2 (ul)
Plasmid DNA
Forward primer
Reverse primer
Master mix
Total volume
5. The tubes were then span for 15 sec
6. The tubes were then placed in the slots of the PCR machine and labeled.
7. The tubes were then retrieved from the machine and placed back in their rack in ice bucket
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Biology 115 Lab Fall 2018
Lab 8 Worksheet
Procedure – Part 2: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
The PCR products were run on 0.8 agarose gel in order to visualize DNA fragments on a UV
1. Obtained 2 sterile microfuge tubes
2. Added 10 ul of the PCR reaction to labeled tube
3. Added 2 ul of 10X agarose gel loading dye and glycerol
4. Loaded the gel in the order of: lane 1; 10 ul sample
Lane 2: 10 ul negative control
Lane 3 : empty
5. Covered the gel and connected the electrodes
6. Gel ran for at least 30 minutes at 125V
7. When electrophoresis complete, gel visualized on trans-illuminator
Procedure :
Bacterial transformation:
Begin by taking two microfuge tubes of “transformat1ion solution,” which contain cold 50mM CaCl2 to
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