short assignment

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Legal writing


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Answer from your textbook, Chapter 15:

chapter 15 textbook:

  • Assignment 11, p. (Parts B and C only), question is uploaded below
  • Make sure to label your answer clearly so I know when you are answering each question.

There is no minimum or maximum length for your answer. But you are asked to think critically about a more complex fact pattern than the short assignment.

Here, you are putting into practice all the skills you acquired in this course. You will:

(1) read the assignment faces and legal authority

(2) prepare the blueprint/outline of the specific elements in the law

(3) bulletpoint the specific facts that relate to each of those elements

You are graded not on having a eloquent narrative. Instead, it is your ability to identify the key issues and disregarding background or insignificant facts. So your answer can be written in a short-hand bulletpoint outline.


To commit arson, a person must:

1- intentionally

here he did intent, as a witness testified to hearing him say.....

2- burn, damage ...

here it did burn ....

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ne profession to education r paralegals. It includes information on court decisions af- other related sites. National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA), an- nization. Its Web page provides links to a wide range of sites as research sources, publications, and products. 1 e geared toward the needs of paralegals. It often includes arch and writing able on the CourseMate. e helpful in developing an y with the use of a writing ASSIGNMENT 9 Prepare a checklist for revising and editing. ASSIGNMENT 10 What are the general factors to keep in mind when engag- ing in research? ASSIGNMENT 11 The paralegal is assigned the task of preparing an office legal memorandum. The memorandum is due in 10 days, and there is a 5-page limit. The facts and law are as follows: writing process. iting stage. ng discussed in this chapter. portant? Facts: Mary was Tom's stockbroker and financial advisor. Tom owned five acres of property. Mary advised Tom to sell the property to Ana at a price slightly below the mar- ket value. She recommended that Tom buy stock with the proceeds. Tom sold the property to Ana and now wants to have the transaction set aside because he believes Mary unduly and improperly influenced his decision. Mary and Ana are very close friends. aints that may affect your t? How do they affect your ? Describe the creation and panded outline for an office Law: Statutory law (S 96-4-4-1 of the state statutes) pro- vides that a contract for the sale of land may be set aside if it is entered into under undue influence. Case law: Lorn v. Bell. In a fact situation similar to Tom's, the court ruled that under $ 96-4-4-1, undue influence oc- ed outline in the preparation curs when: m. 1. The person influenced is susceptible to undue influence. 2. The person influenced is influenced to enter the contract. to keep in mind during the 480 PART IV LEGAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT 12 3. The opportunity to influence is present. 4. Undue influence is present. 5. The person exercising the undue influence benefits from the undue influence. The following assignment is based on assignment 8 in Chapter 17. Use the assignment memo, statutory law, and case law from that assignment. The memo is due in seven days, and there is a five-page limit. 1. Describe in detail the application of each step of the prewriting stage to the assignment. Part A Detail the application of each step of the prewriting stage to this assignment. 2. For the organization step of the prewriting stage, prepare an expanded outline based on the outline presented in section IV.A.3.c of this chapter. Using the information presented in the assignment, fill in the expanded outline. Include in the “Issue" section Part B For the organization step of the prewriting stage, prepare an expanded outline based on the outline presented in section IV.A.3.c(ii) in this chapter. of the outline a broad statement of the issue and at least one narrow statement of the issue. Part C Based only on the preceding information, fill in the ex- panded outline. Include a statement of the issue, analysis, counteranalysis, conclusion, and recommendations. The available CourseMate for this text has an interactive eBook and interactive learning tools, including flash cards, quizzes, and more. To learn more about this resource and access . To access CourseMate materials that you have purchased, go to CourseMate free demo CourseMate resources, go to, and search for this book. ST bor llow KO to
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Explanation & Answer



Legal Pre-Writing Assignments




Legal Pre-Writing Assignments
Part B



Statement of Facts


Analysis/ application
1. Rule of law: § 96-4-4-1 of the state statutes
2. Case
A. Name and citation : Lorn v.Bell
B. Brief Summary of facts showing the case is on point.
C. Rule/principle/reasoning applied by the court.
D. Application
3. Co...

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