Week 3 Assignment

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Business Finance


Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned reading articles are attached. Must include a cover page and reference page. Must include multiple (at least 3) outside academic resources with free links. Sentences should be short but thorough.


Choose two countries that you perceive to have different cultural and ethical business values, at least one of which must be a European nation. In a thoughtful, well-written paper, please describe the principal differences you would expect to see between these two countries with regards to governance practices. Please provide specific examples showing the implications that those differences have in terms of managerial policies and practice.

Please read the attached document so that you understand the question better.

Please remember that you must use APA style and that your paper must contain a references list of all readings that you have cited in your paper.

Your paper should be 5 pages, double-spaced, not including references. Please do NOT include an abstract.

Remember that this assignment, and all written assignments in the course, will be submitted automatically to Turnitin.

Week 3 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Critical Thinking

30.0 pts

Assignment demonstrates excellent use of various critical thinking standards and concepts. These may include proper use of logic, reasoning and the posing of well-considered questions.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content and Development

30.0 pts

Content is very comprehensive and supported by detailed references to lectures and readings. Thoroughly evaluates the impact, creativity, and value of the subject.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization and Length

15.0 pts

The organization is clear and easy to follow. The assignment follows the suggested word count.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling and APA Form and Style

15.0 pts

Sentences are structured correctly. There are no grammatical or spelling errors. There is use of proper APA form and style, where appropriate.

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Absolutely no plagiarism, must be original and very thorough. Please make sure everything is followed in the question and the grading rubric. Assigned reading articles are attached. Must include a cover page and reference page. Must include multiple (at least 3) outside academic resources with free links. Sentences should be short but thorough. Instructions: Choose two countries that you perceive to have different cultural and ethical business values, at least one of which must be a European nation. In a thoughtful, well-written paper, please describe the principal differences you would expect to see between these two countries with regards to governance practices. Please provide specific examples showing the implications that those differences have in terms of managerial policies and practice. You are strongly encouraged to use the NECB e-Library to find readings on the subject matter of your paper. Please remember that you must use APA style and that your paper must contain a references list of all readings that you have cited in your paper. Your paper should be 5 pages, double-spaced, not including references. Please do NOT include an abstract. Remember that this assignment, and all written assignments in the course, will be submitted automatically to Turnitin. Week 3 Assignment Week 3 Assignment Criteria This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Critical Thinking This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content and Development Ratings Pt 30.0 pts Assignment demonstrates excellent use of various critical thinking standards and concepts. These may include proper use of logic, reasoning and the posing of well-considered questions. 30.0 30.0 pts Content is very comprehensive and supported by detailed references to lectures and readings. Thoroughly evaluates the impact, creativity, and value of the subject. 30.0 Week 3 Assignment Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization and Length 15.0 pts The organization is clear and easy to follow. The assignment follows the suggested word count. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling and APA Form and Style 15.0 pts Sentences are structured correctly. There are no grammatical or spelling errors. There is use of proper APA form and style, where appropriate. Pt 15.0
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Explanation & Answer



Comparison between Russia and France Governance Practices


France is a European nation and one of the most developed nations in the world.
Russia is a Middle East country and still developing economically. France is a capitalist
nation which has supported the development of the economy since the investment
opportunities are not hindered. Russia, on the other hand, is a communist nation, where
the citizens work together for the benefit of all. In addition, the government is in control
of all the businesses and investments, which hinders economic growth. The business
practices in the two countries are very different considering that in France, the nation is
more open to civilization, thus offering better business success and expansion. France and
Russia have varying government practices which are determined by the composition of
the government as will be illustrated in the following work.
The leaders in the two countries are in charge of determining how the government
practices will be done. The composition of the government shows how power is shared
and how decisions affecting the nations and other operations such as businesses are made.
The presidential administration makes it easy for the Russian president in administration
since they report on the progress of different activities, thus promoting efficiency in the
communist government (Choromides, 2018). Laws, regulations, and policies such as in
business in France are thus passed with much ease than in Russia. The Russian practices
are too complicated, and in most cases, amendments in the constitution are not
accommodated. France can be described to be more flexible while Russia has a rigid
management system. The governments have a moral obligation of ensuring that
businesses are conducted in the correct ways, and any chances of misconduct or unethical
operations are removed. The Russian government has been able to achieve ethical

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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