Governmental Responses to Crime: Ancient-Contemporary Comparisons

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Business Finance


As you study criminal justice, it is imperative to examine the various responses to crime through history. Traditionally, responses were focused on current issues without connecting the historical relationship between groups, institutions, cultures, and governmental ideologies. Understanding the historical context of contemporary criminal justice responses is critical.

Provide the type of crime you selected. Then explain one ancient governmental response and one contemporary governmental response to that crime. As can be found in this week’s readings, crime is responded to from the relative cultural reality of that time period. Provide an example to illustrate your points. Describe the commonalities and the differences in these responses. Explain whether or not you consider either response effective and why. Finally, explain whether international responses to crime have helped shape the governmental response to crime where you live. If so, explain how. Provide an example and select an article to support your response.

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