What are your Codes of Cultural Behavior(Dos and Donts), What is VolunTourism?

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Section #5: Codes of Cultural Behavior (Do’s and Don’ts)

Choice of Country

1. Choose a destination (one country) anywhere in the world. To begin this section, explain why you chose this particular country. Again, why did you choose the country you chose? (Some students have left this out in the past.)

Brief Cultural Overview

2. Provide a brief cultural overview of the country to include historical background, language, religious beliefs, and other information you believe is pertinent. Provide references cited in parentheses by title only, immediately after the information presented. For example: (CountryWatch)

Codes of Cultural Behavior

3. Conduct additional research on the codes of cultural behavior in the country. Provide information on cultural “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for tourists. Analyze at least five “Do’s” and at least five “Don’ts” which document the codes of cultural behavior in the country that will assist tourists in avoiding conflict with the cultural values of the hosts. Again, discuss (not just list) the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” as a major component of this assignment. After each of the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” make certain that you provide the reference cited. The references may appear by title only, in parentheses, after each listing. For example: (CountryWatch)

Unusual Aspects of Culture

4. Explain which of the “Do’s” and which of the “Don’ts” seem most unusual to you and might contribute to your unease in the country you chose.

You must have a minimum of two online resources and two library reference works for a minimum total of four resources. Do not cut and paste material from the online resources. You must report the information in your own words. The Turnitin system detects direct plagiarism. Again, a total of at least four sources must be used. List these under the heading “References” at the end of this section as well as in the narrative of your answers as indicated above. It is not necessary, in this class, to provide the full citation (since it will be easier for you this way and I’m already familiar with the reference works). So, again, simply list your references by title of the work or http link. It is not necessary to use APA or MLA or other methods of attribution. Just the title of the work will suffice for the purposes of this class. Note: Use only credible online sources. Do not use Wikipedia. The more reference material you refer to, the higher quality your response will be, and will result in higher points. (Continued on next page)

I encourage you to go to the University library to complete this assignment where you will find all of the traditional reference works. The librarians are happy to assist you with this. Also, if you have any trouble with the online resources the librarians can provide help with that too.

Length: Five to seven pages

Section #6: VolunTourism

Go to voluntourism.org

Review the home page to understand the resources available on this web site and to get a feeling for what VolunTourism is. On the menu (left screen) under “Who Are You?” click on “Traveler.” Read this page on VolunTourism for Travelers.

The Difficult Questions

1. Click on “Getting Started” and read. Complete the following exercise in this section: “The Difficult Questions.” Start by answering “Where do I want to go?” Then complete Questions #1-10. Add to your Portfolio.

Insights about Trip Preparation

2. Under “Quick Links” click on “Trip Preparation” and read. (Note that we skipped the section on “Trip Selection.”) After carefully reading the material, discuss three important insights you gained about trip preparation. Add to your Portfolio.

Processing Experiences

3. Under “Quick Links” click on “Processing Experiences” and read. What is your response to this section? In other words, what do you think of the advice given about Processing Experiences? Analyze at least three insights you gained. Add to your Portfolio.


4. Under “Quick Links” click on Post-Trip and read. What is your response to this section? In other words, what do you think of the advice given about Post-Trip? Present at least three insights you gained. Add to your Portfolio.

Summary of Articles

5. Read the five articles that are posted for this assignment and summarize each of the articles (two to three paragraphs for each). Add to your portfolio.

VolunTourism for You?

6. Finally, is VolunTourism something you would consider in future travel plans? Discuss why or why not. Add to your Portfolio.

Length: Five to seven pages

Responses should be double-spaced using 12-point font and 1 inch margins!


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Explanation & Answer



Depression Reaserch Paper
Student’s Name




Volunteer tourism is when an individual tours a region to explore but mainly help the
needy in the region. Volunteering can be in the form of cash, medical help, or any other sort of
support needed in the area.
My destination
Even though volunteering doesn't require any skills, it is better to be where there is
fulfillment when doing something. Personally, my purpose is fulfilled when an older adult is
happy and well-taken care. Therefore my destination of choice is a nursing home for the elderly.
Insights about trip preparation.
When most people hear trip preparation, the first thing that pops in their mind is packing.
However, trip preparation in voluntourism is looked at in an entirely different dimension. Firstly,
when preparing for the trip, it is essential that a person knows several things about the area of
destination — things like culture and their anthropological information.
In preparation, it Is wise to review useful stuff like ones medical status like allergies,
original and copies of Identification and also the insurance cover for travelers. Furthermore,
many trips are made by a team. One might, therefore, need to learn how to work and stay with
other people to help avoid unnecessary conflicts during the practice.
Moreover, managing expectations should also come in handy during the preparation
process. Some individuals work and expect compliments on their results but, in the case of
voluntary service, it might play out differently. This is mainly because of communities represents
a continuous motion along their evolution path towards self-reliance. However, the most basic



expectations to eliminate are performance and time sensitivity. When these two expectations are
not on the list, the worry of why one is unable to achieve anything and time will be the least of
View on Processing Experiences.
It is essential to keep in mind that, the destination offers different experiences some with
positive and some with adverse effects. For this reason, it is important to have some ‘'tools'' that
will help in coping with these effects. Although some people take these challenges as a
motivation to help, others may get an emotional breakdown. Here are a few tricks that can help
in processing experiences.
Some of the techniques to processing experiences are exercise, group approach, hobbies
or even meditative practices such as yoga. Exercise such as running offers a great window to
escape from life's challenges. This is because; when the body is active it relaxes both the mind
and the soul. As a result of this, an individual can think more clearly, and while doing that, one
might see the positive side of things. Also, hobbies such as listening to music can help in
processing experience. It is said that music is medicine for the soul. What better way to calm the
nerves than music? The best thing about music as a reliever is that one can choose the song that
will help the current situation.
Group approach is also a great way to process any situation. Different people have
encountered various issues in their lives some encouraging, and some are breaking. In the group
meetings, one is allowed to share the challenges and can hear stories or ideas that might give a
hand in processing the experiences at hand. Lastly, a meditative practice such as yoga binds the
soul, and the mind giving someone a spiritual break. When a person is free spiritually, he can



think and have clear reflections of past and current experiences. This med itative practice will,
therefore, help in thinking of ways to deal with the situation or the challenge at hand.
Post-trip is the aftermath of the trip. While in practice, there are lessons learned and
experience gained. As a result, the stay at the practice leaves the volunteer with a few issues to
deal with. These issues are Re-entry, sharing the story and motivation.
*Re-entry;- Depending on the bond created with the people at the practice and the stay
period, the process of connecting with the environment back home will be different. However,
the process is made easier if there is communication with the voluntary team. This way, they can
exchange their experiences back at home and know how the other is coping and will, therefore,
be able to cope even if it will be slow.
*Share the story;- Of course, having a different experience from the daily life routine is
something to tell. However, meeting people and sharing the story anyhow can give wrong
audiences who are not willing to listen. For this matter, one should use a particular approach
such as postcards so that if a person has no interest, then there is a freedom to chose not to
*Motivation;- some places can get one thinking of how ungrateful they are when they
complain of how there is no butter on the bread yet someone somewhere is wishing for a slice of
bread to share amongst the children. Practicing in such areas can lead to critical thinking and
motivate someone to do more to give back to the less privileged societies. Most people coming
back from voluntourism returns home with a lot of motivation to lend a hand to the less



privileged. However, to avoid rushing and poor results, one should sit and evaluate what might
be of much help in fulfilling the things he desires to achieve and have a clear plan.
Article Summary
*Getting started
The initial step for volunteer tourism is self-discovery. To know the emotional stability,
attitude towards life and situations, what one prefers to do when presented with an opportunity
and also how much one can contribute financially. Before embarking on this trip it is crucial to
know that every decision made makes a difference somewhere. Analyze the reasons for being a
voluntourist to see if they will work to fulfill the established desire.
A voluntourism should know the foundational reason of wanting to leave the comfort of
being home and travel to a far place to offer his services. This will help in understanding if there
can be something else one can do to fill the void and fulfill the purpose leading to voluntourism.
Some might do because everyone else is doing it without realizing that the practice is meant to
have meaning so that if the challenges get hard the passion keeps you going.
*Program selection.
Thousands of organizations are always on the lookout for volunteers, and sometimes It
can be challenging to make a selection with thousands of choices being offered around the world.
So, it is advisable to pay attention first and diligently go through a program before making the
final decision. Also if the choice becomes too difficult to make, discussing and asking help from
a friend or a relative would most definitely work better.



When a person volunteers, a lot of their efforts, finances and even time are invested in the
services, they offer. Therefore, when selecting a program one should ensure that the practice will
be of value to the individual. Even if it is about helping, it should also come with fulfillment and
the best experiences possible.
Every trip needs preparation and voluntourism is not any different. However, apart from
the physical preparation, the volunteer should prepare psychologically for any situation they
might find at their destination. One might be ready to tolerate the conditions they might find
emotionally. Also, the person should be prepared to interact with different cultures and learn
how to fit in. Before taking on any trip, a person should be self-aware and know what they want
to gain by doing the voluntary work.
Also, assessing what you are capable of and how it can be of help in rendering the
services should also come in handy. Also, one should be aware that even though the application
was solo, the practice happens as a team. Therefore, one should know how to work, and associate
with others to accomplish and scale greater heights in their projects. Before choosing any
program, it is important to know if the assets available such as beddings and food provided will
satisfy the person.
*Processing experiences
Everyone has a way of dealing with the challenges they face in life. In this trip, there are
things someone might see and be devastated or have emotional breakdowns. The destination
might be in an area with d poverty with children so weak due to malnutrition such that the sight



of these children creates s...

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