Sustainability Assignment

User Generated




"45 Specific Facts on How Companies are Achieving Sustainability"

Using the above title, create a list of 45 facts regarding companies' efforts to achieve sustainability and reducing waste. You are to select nine (9) different companies. Use the Internet to find and write a minimum of five (5) facts about the methods used to cut waste and reduce environmental impact for each of the nine companies. The items are to be numbered 1 to 45. The website(s) from which you found your information is to be included as shown in the EXAMPLE below. The company name is to be present in each statement.

The Twitter Challenge - 140 characters maximum. As we live in a social media world and Twitter is being used more for business marketing, each statement is not to exceed 140 characters. For this assignment, spacing and punctuation will count as characters. The 140 characters is the old Twitter standard and for this assignment we will use the old standard. Items with more than 140 characters will not be counted as part of the student's acceptable total. PAY ATTENTION TO THE CHARACTER COUNT.

EXAMPLE of how to present the facts:

Company 5. Orange Orange Inc. (
21. All delivery trucks at Orange Orange Inc. have been converted to natural gas.
22. Orange Orange Inc. is committed to achieving zero landfill waste by 2020.
23. All Orange Orange Inc. team members are provided sustainability training on how to identify waste and are encouraged to recommend solutions. (This example is 140 characters.)
24. Orange Orange Inc. is the number one user of recycled dental floss.
25. Orange Orange Inc. changed lighting systems in its distribution centers and reduced electrical use by 30 percent.

Additional Instructions

  • Submit as a Word document through this Assignment portal.
  • Use Grammarly when writing. It will be used for grading.
  • Submit by the deadline. No late assignments will be accepted for grading.
  • Do not use the textbook or instructor as your source.
  • Include facts on environmental sustainability efforts of specific companies. Do not use generic company facts. Facts must be on the company's sustainability efforts.
  • This is to be a student's own work.
  • Do not cut-and-paste facts. Facts should not use pronouns such as "we", "us", and "our". Any fact using these pronouns will be considered unacceptable statements.
Grading Rubric Maximum Points: 50
451 point for each accepted specific fact.
5For numbering facts consecutively (1 to 45)
-3Deducted for each company not sourced by proper web address
-1Deducted for statements with more than 140 characters.
-1Deducted for not including the company name within the statement.
-5For submitting less than 5 acceptable statements for a company.
-1For incorrect grammar. For more than one error, 1 point will be deducted.

If you have questions about the assignment, please contact the professor before the deadline.


45 Facts

45 Facts


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome45 facts on sustainability

45.0 pts

45 acceptable facts

40.0 pts


One company did not have 5 acceptable statements

35.0 pts


Two companies did not have 5 acceptable statements

30.0 pts


Three companies did not have five acceptable statements.

25.0 pts


Four companies did not have 5 acceptable statements

20.0 pts


Five companies did not have 5 acceptable statements

0.0 pts

No facts

45.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNumbering

5.0 pts

Facts are numbered 1 to 45

0.0 pts

Facts are not numbered 1 to 45

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome140 characters

0.0 pts


Each statement that is over 140 characters will result in a deduction of 1 point.

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWeb Address

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No web address

Any company presented without the source web address will result in a deduction of 3 points per missing web address.

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompany name within the statement

0.0 pts


For each statement that does not include the company name, 1 point will be deducted.

0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar

0.0 pts


For more than one error in grammar, a point will be deducted for each error.

0.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0


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Explanation & Answer


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