philosophy finals paper

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Philosophy 1301


Imagine that you are jogging in the park one day and you see an overweight rich kid eating a triple-decker ice cream cone. Only a few feet away are three very poor, underfed and envious children. As a utilitarian you realize this is the kind of situation where utility/happiness could be maximized.

What options are available to you, which one would be the maximizing choice, and how does that choice maximize overall happiness?

Utilitarianism will usually explain our decisions about right and wrong quite well. For instance, a utilitarian could easily show how this theory demonstrates the immoral nature of an action like child molestation. The pedophile does gain some pleasure, but his victim suffers a life time of tragic consequences, which massively outweigh the gain to the molester. So total aggregate happiness is not increased, and the action is therefore immoral according to their theory.

What kinds of consequences would there be for each of your alternative actions in the park?

General comments: This paper topic is somewhat more involved than the previous three. It requires you to run through several steps in the argument and could require a somewhat longer paper to adequately discuss it. you can either defend utilitarianism by showing it gives the answer we know to be correct or criticize it by showing that in the right circumstances it could give an answer we know to be incorrect. (in this case it is almost certainly much easier to defend it)

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Philosophy Final Paper
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Philosophy Final Paper

Maximizing happiness is the core of utility in any situation that involves making choices
and taking certain actions. Mill asserts that actions are right in proportion because they attempt to
promote happiness and wrong when they tend to produce the opposite of happiness. Happiness is
pleasure and absence of pain while unhappiness is pain and absence of pleasure. Imperatively,
happiness is the only thing that possesses intrinsic value (Shafer-Landau, 2013). As such, this
paper evaluates a case study and identifies available options to maximize overall happiness and
their effects or consequences.
It follows that utilitarianism implores on people to evaluate many issues involved in
making choices. Utilitarianism wants people to evaluate their actions, laws, policies and moral
codes as well as character traits. Utilitarianism is a kind of consequentialism since it rests on the
effect of consequence of the actions or laws that determine if they are good or bad, and right or
wrong (Schwartz et al., 2002). Therefore, whatever that we evaluate and select, a utilitarian
perspective implore on us to choose one option that creates the overall best result. Utilitarian
theory suggests that we should choose the option that creates “maximum utility” which implies
that the action or choice that we take should offer the largest amount of good.
As I jog in a park one day, I see an overweight rich child eating a triple-decker ice cream
cone. However, few feet away there are three very p...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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