Reflection paper

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1000 words, Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1 1/2 space, MLA, APA, Turabian style

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Please, give a brief description IN YOUR OWN WORDS of the seven themes of the Catholic Social Teaching: Life and dignity of the human person; Call to family, community, and participation; Rights and responsibilities; option for the poor and vulnerable; The dignity of work and the rights of workers; Solidarity; and Care for God’s creation.

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The Seven Themes of the Catholic Social Teachings
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Social teachings in the church have proved to be significant in enacting wisdom about the
purpose of living a holy life and also in building a just society. Each society experiences multiple
challenges. However, despite these challenges, the church ensures that it penetrates the society
rendering its inhabitants with a positive mind and a reason to continue living in accordance to the
teachings of the Lord hence keeping wrong deeds at bar. The Catholic Church is one of the
denominations/churches that has instilled and embraced the purpose of social teachings to its
believers. Social teachings offered in the church have been articulated through documents such
as the papal, Episcopal, and conciliar. The documents have explained and examined the tradition
of social teachings in the Catholic Church and therefore reading them provides maximum insight
into the culture. Among the themes contained in the Catholic social tradition include life and
dignity, rights and participation, solidarity, the pride of work and the rights of workers, option
for the poor and vulnerable, and care for God’s creation.
Rights and responsibilities
Under this theme, two aspects of life are conside...

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