A couple questions on experimental design

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Just a couple questions on experimental design, observational studies, and validity in non-experimental design. All in attached file.

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1. Quasi-experimental designs do not give us the same rigorous control we attempt with a true experiment. Why do we do them? 2. Name and explain any two ways to minimize threats to validity in a non experimental design. 3. You are conducting observational studies. Explain how you would quantify/code the following. • • • • • Assertiveness Fear Love Job satisfaction Leadership potential
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Quasi-experimental designs do not give us the same rigorous control we attempt
with a true experiment. Why do we do them?

The reason experiment is to examine the cause of given phenomena (Sim, Megan, and Anke van
Gorp 127). Every experiment has essential elements which could affect the observable facts of
interest are entirely controlled are the desired design. Habitually, though,

it is not possible or

practical to manipulate or control all primary factors, so it appears necessary to execute a quasiexperimental research design.


Name and explain any two ways to minimize threats to validity in a
nonexperimental design.

No experimental research project is ever perfect or free from possible threats to validity and is
even more essential with regards to quasi-experimental de...

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