Final Statesmanship Paper

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Final Statesmanship Paper Instructions

A significant portion of your grade for this course is earned by writing a 7–10-page paper on statesmanship.

This paper takes the statesmanship definition and framework you created in your literature review and applies it to the decisions, actions, context, character, and overall leadership of a particular political leader of your choice. Per the final paper topic choice, not only must you chose just one political leader, you must also just chose one particular situation in that political leader's career. Rather than trying to prove whether that political leader was a statesman at all times and at all places (something almost impossible to prove) you will instead just look at one incident/challenge while that political leader was in office. You will answer the question of whether or not the leader was a statesman or a pseudo-statesman.

Part 1: Statesmanship Model

  • This section must be ½–1 page.
  • Part 1 must include a brief and focused restatement of the framework you articulated in your literature review assignment.
  • This section must incorporate recommendations and comments from your professor as well as citations from your literature review.

Part 2: Research Question

  • This section must be 6–9.5 pages.
  • In this section 12–15 new sources are required, in addition to any relevant sources from the course or literature review.
  • This section must include new research and analysis.
  • It must demonstrate a clear connection to the ideas discussed in the literature review paper.
  • It must provide evidence of specific actions, decisions, and motivations of the chosen political leader in just one particular political situation/challenge as a means of determining whether or not that leader was in fact a statesman.

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Final Research Topic Submission Joe Ramsey Liberty University 15 November 2018 In the topic of my final submission, I would like to elaborate on President Abraham Lincoln. The life of President Abraham Lincoln was dedicated to the service of fellow men and towards making the world a better place. While Lincoln was known for his firmness and strong leadership, it was his efforts to abolish slave trade that made him one of the most popular presidents the USA has ever had, and it is for this reason that I choose him and the topic of slave trade for my research. Through a review of his actions, decisions, and life both as President and before being elected into office, this paper hopes to unveil and understand the statesmanship that Lincoln embodied. He was morally against the idea of slave trade and politically opposed to the idea of expanding the trade, and he never shied away from standing his ground on the matter. His courage to stand up for his belief in the equality of liberties to all is indeed a representation of his statesmanship. Lincoln believed that all individuals including slaves were entitled to pursue happiness, and this happiness could only be found with provision of equal rights and liberties. Through a review of articles, journals and historical references that outline his political life, we can delve into the core of Lincoln’s fundamental beliefs and principles. Through reviewing the Emancipation Proclamation, the passing of the 13th Amendment into law, and the eventual abolition of slave trade, freeing of slaves and compensation of slave owners, this paper seeks to understand the long road characterized by tenacity and consistency that Abraham Lincoln travelled. It seeks to prove that Lincoln was indeed a true statesman and leader.
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