Movie critics paper

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Introduction to Sociology


Movie Critic!!

Race and Ethnicity

Release date: May 6, 2005 (USA)
Director: Paul Haggis

25 points/4 pages

Watch the movie “Crash” (Red Box, YouTube...ect), choose one character from the film and answer the following questions. Be sure to use vocabulary from chapter 11 in your text book. Include a cover page, and a picture of your character on the cover page. The cover page is not counted in the four pages.

Pretend that you are one of the characters from the movie, (Sandra Annette Bullock Terrence Dashon Howard, Matthew Raymond Dillon…).
• What is your characters understanding of race and ethnicity? (I don’t like African American, White Men, and Jews..).
• Include details that support your assertion about the character (any background information, your characters race, religion…).
• Give examples of action/s taken by your character that support your point.
• Give an example of an action that made your character revaluate his/ her understanding of race and ethnicity.

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