.State all null and alternative hypotheses for this experiment.

User Generated




Bailey has performed a very large experiment testing the diameter of chocolate chip cookies made with different formulations. She has tested high and low levels of each of butter, sugar, and flour in every possible combination of the factors. For each factor combination, or formulation, she measured the diameter of six different cookies.

For credit for this problem, you must do both of the tasks below correctly:

1.State all null and alternative hypotheses for this experiment.

2.Construct an ANOVA table using equations only. Use the format in the sample table below as a guideline for how your completed table should look. DO NOT PUT NUMBERS IN THE TABLE!!!

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Bailey has performed a very large experiment testing the diameter of chocolate chip cookies made with different formulations. She has tested high and low levels of each of butter, sugar, and flour in every possible combination of the factors. For each factor combination, or formulation, she measured the diameter of six different cookies. For credit for this problem, you must do both of the tasks below correctly: 1.State all null and alternative hypotheses for this experiment. 2.Construct an ANOVA table using equations only. Use the format in the sample table below as a guideline for how your completed table should look. DO NOT PUT NUMBERS IN THE TABLE!!!
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