Stakeholder Accountability in International Organizations

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Question CXU3

Write an explanation of whom your selected type of organization serves as its primary stakeholders. In your explanation, address whether the kinds of accountability you see in traditional domestic public organizations seem likely to work in your chosen type of organization and explain why. Explain to what degree networked organizations provide particular challenges to efforts at ensuring accountability to stakeholders. Also, explain the management challenges that may arise for international organizations. Be specific and provide examples.

Question CXU4

Project, Part 2: Background Paper

The Background Paper puts you in the position of the leader of an organization. To determine how to move forward, you need to know the mission, goals, and current operations of your organization. You need to know how the pieces of the organization fit together. You also need to know the position of the organization in the global network. The Background Paper serves as the foundation for the Project as you gather key information that will guide you in your evaluation of transformational leadership in the organization.

This paper will explain the history of the organization and its role in the world today. The goal is to demonstrate that you have a firm understanding of the organization. The paper must be 750–1,000 words in length.

The Background Paper must include the following:

A clear explanation of the history of the organization, including when it was created and how it has changed over time

A clear narrative of changes in structure, management, and mission, if these are applicable

A clear explanation of how the organization is structured, including a summary of the leadership framework

A discussion of outside organizations with which it has established relationships

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: CXU3


Primary Stakeholders

Institution Affiliation



The organization that I selected for the project is Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). MSF

provides medical aid to people around the globe. Since the non-governmental organization
(NGO) serves people in need of medical care around the world and relies on donations from
individuals and public and private organizations also from around the world, its stakeholders are
dispersed. MSF requires a lot of effort to effectively engage its dispersed stakeholders. This
paper aims to discuss MSF’s primary stakeholders, whether the organization can rely on the
kinds of accountability used by traditional domestic organizations, and the challenges that it
faces in its attempts to be accountable to its stakeholders.
MSF’s Primary Stakeholders
MSF’s primary stakeholders include employees and volunteers, served populations,
donors, suppliers, creditors, and partners (Doctors Without Borders, 2018). All the primary
stakeholders are directly affected by the actions of the organization. Although MSF has
employed some individuals to run and direct its operations, it mainly relies on volunteers to
provide medical aid to needy people (Doctors Without Borders, 2018). The employees and
volunteers are critical to the organization’s operations. The served populations are the recipients
of MSF’s medical aid. They include individuals who are in conflict zones and those affected by
epidemics. Donors are critical to MSF as they provide the funds used to run its operations.
Suppliers sell vital products like medicine and medical equipment to MSF. Creditors offer loans
to finance MSF’s activities. The organization also relies on partnerships to fulfill its mandate.
MSF’s partners include the United Nations, the World Health Organization, Google, Microsoft,



and among many others (Doctors Without Borders, 2018). MSF has to be
accountable to all its primary stakeholders.
Kinds of Accountability Used By Traditional Domestic Public Organizations
The types of accountability that I see in traditional domestic public organizations include
performance accountability, financial accountability, and governance accountability.
Performance accountability involves reporting the organization’s performance to stakeholders
(Governance Today, 2018). One way in which for-profit organizations measure performance
through income generated in a specific period. Non-profit organizations usually measure
performance through evaluating the number of people they have served or the impact they have
had on their are...

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