Organizational Funding

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Question CXU5A

Write an explanation of how your organization is funded. In your explanation, address the role of funding organizations in determining the goals of your chosen organization. Then, explain the mechanisms that are in place to allow funders to evaluate how programs are implemented by the organization align with its overall goals. Explain how funders determine whether the programs implemented by the organization align with its overall goals.

Question CXU5B

Write (600–800 words)

Write a paper addressing the following points:

Explain how your organization is governed.

Explain the institutional framework for making and implementing decisions.

Explain the procedures your organization follows in its strategic planning.

Explain who is ultimately responsible for directing and implementing strategic plans.

Explain how your organization follows the Results Based Management model. If it does not follow the model, explain how it can be benefitted by following the model.

Explain the system your organization uses for evaluating "success" for the organization. If it does not use one, explain how it can be benefitted by using one.

Explain how your organization's mission lends itself to a results-oriented management strategy.

Explain what data your organization provides that stakeholders can use to evaluate the success of the organization.

Your paper should follow the standard academic essay format and it should clearly tie the answers to the listed questions together into a single line of reasoning that discusses your organization's methods for making and evaluating decisions.

Question CXU6

Write a Blog Entry describing the best way to evaluate the organization you have selected for your Final Project. Your target audience for this Blog Entry is your group's stakeholders. Your Blog Entry should clearly explain to them why the standard of evaluation you have chosen will ensure that the organization meets their goals. For more information about posting your blog.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: CXU5A


Organizational Funding

Institution Affiliation



Organizational Funding

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is not a profit making organization. It provides medical
assistance around the world for free. To finance its operations and programs, MSF relies on
donor funding. Many individuals and organizations donate to the non-governmental organization
as they find their mission of saving lives through the provision of medical aid a noble one. MSF
reports that more than 90 percent of its funds come from private donors (Médecins Sans
Frontières, 2018a). Since private donors release funds quickly to the organization, it can act
quickly to treat the sick or injured and save lives (Médecins Sans Frontières, 2018a). Corporate
donors also donate generously to MSF. Major companies like Microsoft, Google, and are listed among MSF’s corporate donors. Governmental organizations interested
in the provision of medical aid also fund MSF. In 2017, MSF raised $ 1.74 billion, 96 percent of
which was donated by 6.3 million individuals and private organizations (Médecins Sans
Frontières, 2018a).
Donors are one of MSF’s most important stakeholders. Without their financial aid, MSF
cannot provide medical assistance to the many people around the world who are desperate for
such aid. As critical stakeholders, donors play an essential role in the determination of MSF’s
goals. During the organization’s stakeholders’ conventions, the funding individuals and
organizations propose the goals that they would like the NGO to pursue. The suggested goals
must, however, be in line with MSF’s mission to be adopted. The adopted goals are included in
the organization's strategic plan, and necessary plans are made to help attain the goals. The
International General Assembly created by MSF in 2011 also provides donors with the
opportunity to determine MSF’s goals (Médecins Sans Frontières, 2018b). The donors
participate in the conventions of the assembly and make useful contributions.



MSF has put in place mechanisms to allow funders to determine whether implemented
missions are in line with its overall goals. The overall goals are included in the NGO’s strategic
plan (Médecins Sans Frontières, 2018b). MSF generates annual performance reports. The reports
discuss the programs that the organization is currently undertaking and the outcomes of the
undertaking. Funders can use the performance reports to determine whether the organization’s
programs align with its overall goals. Another mechanism that donors can use to evaluate and
determine whether MSF's program...

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