One of the most mysterious times in the history of Earth is that of the "Cambrian Explosion," when in a short geologic period of time (few millions of years) most of the animal ancestors of all animals alive today (including humans) suddenly appeared. Why did the "Cambrian Explosion" happen knowing that before this event absolutely no other faunal explosions happened in billions of years of Earth's history? It is too mysterious that all happened right at the Cambrian, and, further, if not for this event no animal we are familiar with today would exist. Watch the video posted in our week 5 module (youtube video's URL link: and investigate and write an essay about the Cambrian Explosion. The essay must be written entirely in your OWN words. The essay must be at least three paragraphs long, and each paragraph must contain at least five sentences (you can write more than three paragraphs and more than five sentences per paragraph if you wish to do so). If needed, you can quote, but this does not count towards the last tally of number of paragraphs and sentences being required from your OWN writing. Use citations in parenthesis, APA style, if you paraphrase information from other authors (note: paraphrasing is not copying and changing a few words from other authors' writings, it is writing it in your OWN words to explain the authors' writings). Also, in your assignment use at least two references to investigate about this topic; use APA style and list your two references at the end of your essay.
Explanation & Answer
The Cambrian Explosion
The Cambrian Explosion
The Cambrian radiation is the beginning of a better form of life with animals developing
more body structures. Rapid changes have taken place since the explosion occurred. The fossil
record tells more about the rapid diversification of earthly life (Miller, Vandome & McBrewster,
2013). There is a remarkable difference between the modern animals compared to those which
existed before the mysterious evolutionary event took place. Most animal lives seem to have lost
their original identity due to fast development that has greatly impacted behavior, body form,
mental development and genetic composition among other modifications.
Scientists keep researching on these confusing rapid developments that confuse and
contradict other laid down facts. To give an example, Darwin cannot match his scientific opinion
on gradual evolution with the Cambrian radiation that was rapid (Donald, 2015). Evolutional
theories developed by various scientists have played a big role in tracing back to the formless life
ages. And have helped to understand how we got where we are...