​Final Case Study Project

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Hello, Below is the information for the assignment. This builds off a paper that I have already done and that I have attached

The Final Case Study Project should be a 10–12-page analysis of a psychotherapy case study from start to finish. The Theoretical Conceptualization Report from courseroom Unit 4 should be further developed and integrated into this final case study.

1. Solution Driven Therapy and Group Therapy is what I used.

2. Make sure you use the attached scoring guide. All those areas must be addressed.

3. Attached is my previous paper that we are building off of.

Project Components

In your Final Case Study Project, you will integrate the written conceptualization of the imaginary client you created in Unit 4 into this project by completing the following (each one under its own level 2 heading):

  • Provide introductory information about the client.
  • Provide a biopsychosocial history.
  • Assess barriers to establishing a connection with the client on the basis of personality factors, diagnostic issues, or life issues.
  • Assess relevant ethical and cultural issues with this particular client. Explain your theoretical approach in this case.
  • Detail the expected stages of therapy in this case.
  • Demonstrate how your clinical interventions could be effective in working with this particular client toward the goals you and the client have developed together.

Writing Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Length of paper: 10–12 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Number of sources: Minimum of 10 scholarly sources, with at least six being peer-reviewed journal articles. (Remember that you will carry over the sources used for the first half of the assignment you completed in Unit 4).
  • APA formatting: Use APA style in your report, and include a title page, page headers and numbers, proper spacing, proper headings, and proper margins. Refer to the Additional APA Resources page on iGuide (linked in the Resources) for additional support.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • Additional requirement: Each project component is correctly labeled using level 2 headings. The introduction and conclusion will use a level 1 heading.

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Final Case Study Project Scoring Guide Due Date: End of Unit 8 Percentage of Course Grade: 30%. CRITERIA NONPERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Describe and apply Egan and Reese's three-stage helping model through a case study. 25% Correctly applies the three stages of Egan and Reese's helping model through a case study by clearly discussing each stage and clearly distinguishing among stages; analyzes critical points between stages. Describe a clear and coherent biopsychosocial history of a client. 25% Describes a clear and coherent biopsychosocial history of a client that is relevant and accurately captures the client’s character in words. Explain how goals emerge from a comprehensive understanding of a client's challenges and lead to workable Explains how goals emerge from a comprehensive understanding of a client's challenges within a CRITERIA NONPERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED solutions. 25% multicultural context, leading to nuanced and workable solutions. Demonstrate clear writing and proper application of writing conventions. 25% Demonstrates exceptional command over writing and superior application of writing conventions; writing is concise, wellorganized, and reflects the quality and expertise expected for academic work. Running head: CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION Case Conceptualization: Cynthia A. Jones Drs. Jung and Baumberger Residency – PSY-R6313 11/14/2018 1 CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 2 Introduction Based on the principles underlying the exploration of what might have happened in the imaginary client’s life, Solution-focused brief therapy has extensively made use of the language and the symbols of strengths in the treatment. This suggests that any long-lasting solution can occur in a short period by paying attention to the process of building-solution instead of the problem focusing process. This model has been embraced in the clinical psychology with different client population. In my client’s case, I have provided a summary of what has happen and what may happen in the future provide a positive outcome. I focus our attention on mastering the techniques needed to bring resolution without having to embrace the underlying assumptions and believes, (Castillo, 2007). Client’s Presenting Problem and History A Biopsychosocial assessment was done with Robin in the beginning of our first session. During this assessment I found that Robin is a Black 41-year-old female who is seeking counseling to find ways to deal with the current stressors in her life which has caused her to have little to no sex drive. She wants to be intimate with her partner of six years but doesn’t have the drive. There is no history of cheating however the client has been stressed with the potential of being laid off. Her company has been doing massive layoffs for the last 6 months and she believes her time is coming. She is also unhappy with her company’s decision to make her physically return to work and eliminating her options of working from home. This has increased her commute to 1hr and 35mins one way on a good day. She has been with this company for 20 years. She does have a college degree but is uncertain of what her next career path should be. This is affecting CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 3 her sex drive which is causing major issues within relationship. She mentions that her partner is very supportive and provides encouragement on a regular basis. Prior to these events happening she was extremely sexual, wanting to have sex at least 3 times a week. Very experimental in the bedroom and free loving with her partner. She has also mention that the last several months her will to attend social events has decreased drastically. Normally she is very social and is apart of a motorcycle club. She has a strong support and sisterhood within her club but has the lack of energy to want to do any social activities. Robin has been on the same high blood pressure medication for over 10 years. She has never sought counseling before. There is no family history of mental health or sexual dysfunction problems. She has proven problem solving ability. She was a teenage mom who was able to raise twin boys on her own at the age of 15. She managed to graduate college and receive her bachelor’s degree in psychology. She takes care of her special needs child on her own and has dealt with the many different issues that arise with his care while still excelling her in her career, which proves she is able to face difficult task and overcome them by using her problemsolving abilities. Case Conceptualization I need to carefully construct a treatment plan by working with the client hence providing higher chances of success in the treatment plan. In our case, the problem the client is already going through is provided which calls for a treatment contract that summarizes the treatment of the problem. The early experiences and perceptions through which this client views his life have negatively affected her personal life and her interpersonal relationships, (Constantine, & Ladany, 2000). CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 4 Clinical Impression and Prognosis Diagnosis Mild Depressive Disorders, (DSM-V, 296.21(F32.0) and Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder, (DSM-V, 301.72 (F52.22). In this case, we are presented with a client who is depressed, a sign that something is not adding up in her life. Diagnosis, in this case, seems crucial as it helps in communicating with the mental health professionals. As the client already presented her problems, this helps to integrate the categorical and dimensional approaches as it helps the counselor with a full understanding of the client’s issues. In this phase of case conceptualization, it calls me to put all the diverse threads of information gathered from the client as she faces a lot of challenges in her personal life. The client has managed to take care of her special need’s child on her own which means that she needs a counselor who will work from this family systems perspective. This will foster a positive change in her life while at the same time advocating for a positive change soon. The client has managed to graduate college and receive her bachelor’s degree in psychology which means that she is goal driven and she is actively changing her life. This is a motivation towards change on her part despite the challenges she is passing through, (Moscovitch, 2009). As we have seen, the client working conditions are forcing her out by making her return to the office which has increased her commute to 1hr and 35mins one way on a good day which in turn influences her interpersonal relationships and are in turn impacted by the client. This environment plays an important role, and her various surrounding environmental conditions hence have impacts on the stages of development of the client. The counseling relationship is also a special and a very influential part of the client’s surrounding environment. In our case, the client CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 5 needs sexual drive wanting to be intimate with her partner which plays out here. This relationship itself is a powerful means of gaining insight and understanding. The past and current challenges and experience should impact her in readiness for change Plan Group therapy is the process of groups benefiting its members by supporting each emotionally in shared experiences. Using group therapy, the appropriate application for the client to use is the psychotherapy.in this case, the client can address her concerns hence making a positive change in her life. I believe this method of therapy will be helpful for Robin because: • The client is assured that she is not alone, and that other people somewhere are sharing the same challenges and struggles. • It offers the opportunity as she receives the support from others which is part of the bonding that occurs in groups which help one to grow and learn new things. • Helps client to develop use her obtained socialization and communication skills and allows her/him to learn how to express their issues in a manner that they can be clearly understood. • The client will be able to network and gather ideas for what she would like to do career wise and plane her next move pertaining to it. Individual therapy is the process by which an individual work face to face with a trained therapist to explore their behaviors and feelings. For this case, I would recommend Robin and I have weekly sessions. In these sessions we will build rapport and work together with creating solutions to help her overcome her presenting issues. CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 6 We will focus on assisting the client in creating a plan of action to begin to think about what she wants to do career wise. I will also encourage her to focus more on the activities that have in the pass help her relieve her stress and where she found herself happy. Robin is a goaloriented person and setting goals and supporting her while she accomplishes them will be the best plan of action to get her back to her normal place. Social support can be incredibly helpful during times of stress and self-care should be made a priority during difficult transitions to help an individual build self-confidence, focus on the positive and can increase sexual drive. I will provide homework assignments: Homework/Plan 1. Robin will use her support system (her partner and her sisters in her motorcycle club) to reach out to when she is feeling alone and stress. 2. Plan a date night activity with them her partner to help bring back a form of intimacy and togetherness. 3. She will write down hobbies, leisure activities, or career pursuits that she has interest in, so we can explore different opportunities in these areas for her to pursue. 4. Update her resume to start the process of looking for a new career. A meaningful experience and making choices that agree with their values and beliefs. The imaginary client seems to be facing an existential crisis which to me means that she is at that stage in life, where she no longer enjoys her sex life. Which is due to the stress of the unknown with her current job situation. Cultural responsiveness in evaluation of the client situation entails asking rightful questions, being open minded, selecting the most suitable assessment instruments, and choosing the right and effective modalities and treatment provider for the client. By so doing that, it CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 7 improves the client recovery process. When doing the biopsychosocial assessment, I also incorporated the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) to gain information on Robin’s cultural background and beliefs. The Compliance ethics requires the therapist to come up with the treatment plan and then try to make the therapy acceptable to the patient hence achieving the compliance. Interventions should also be tested to change the behavior of the client. To avoid such issues, the client is advised to reduce stress by focusing on issues she can control and make plans to solve them. She should also change her expectations and focus more on her priorities. During this assessment had group influence on my treatment plan for Robin. She has a strong religious background and takes her faith very seriously. Because of her strong religious ties, she mentions be active in her church organization. This is one of the reasons I suggested group therapy, but I insured I included her with a group of individuals with the same faith base. No knowing her values and morale’s could have been detrimental if I had provided her group therapy with others that are of a different religion. Conclusion In conclusion, I took into consideration the behavior, feelings, and thoughts of the client in the present by focusing on the clarification and correcting whatever may get into the client’s way soon. I ensured that her plan included her cultural and religious background and built off her strong problem-solving skills she had previously displayed. Also knowing that she thrives and gains energy from support, I will ensure that I provide the necessary support needed to keep her engaged and ensure that therapy is a success. CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION 8 References Constantine, M. G., & Ladany, N. (2000). Self-report multicultural counseling competence scales: Their relation to social desirability attitudes and multicultural case conceptualization ability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(2), 155. Castillo, R. J., Carlat, D. J., Millon, T., Millon, C. M., Meagher, S., Grossman, S., ... & American Psychiatric Association. (2007). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Press. Moscovitch, D. A. (2009). What is the core fear in social phobia? A new model to facilitate individualized case conceptualization and Practice, 16(2), 123-134. treatment. Cognitive and Behavioral
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Analysis of a Psychotherapy Case Study
Student’s Name:
Instructor’s Name:




Introducing Client Information
Robin is a forty-one-year-old female who is a mother of two having graduated with a
bachelor’s degree in psychology. She works for a specific company, but as it turns out, the root
cause of her problems are as a result of work-related stress factors. She has been a very loving
spouse and has always been striving to be sexually active with her partner for the past few years.
She is also a very social and outgoing woman who likes to interact and socialize with different
individuals. Her current predicaments started because she was forced to start working in the office
from her normal working at home schedule. In addition to having to commute for almost one hour
and thirty-five minutes to work, she is stressed because she fears being laid off since the company
she is working with has been laying off people for the past six months.
Robin loves her husband, but it seems that she has intimately disconnected herself
from his husband. What she wants is to revive her sexual drive and to be able to be more intimate
with her husband. She has thus gone forth to try and remedy her current problem by seeking
counseling from a therapist. Despite coming from an active Christian family, Robin has had her
struggles in life ever since she was a teenager. At only the age of 15 years, Robin got pregnant
with her two twins, but she had to struggle to raise them. However, she was able to finish her
education and even proceeded to study at the university and graduated with a degree in psychology.
Biopsychosocial History
Looking at Robins biopsychosocial history, its first important to rule out any possible
genetic and health illnesses that she may have concerning depression and stress. It is hence crucial
to note that Robin has been using high blood pressure medication for over six years now without
requiring any counseling session. However, there has not been any record of any vital genetically



acquired illness or disorder that may be a triggering factor to her current state. Still, her family
history does not show any record of any dysfunctional sexual ailments, complications, and
diseases. This only means that genetically, her low sex drive cannot be linked to any genetically
inherited traits and diseases.
Nevertheless, the simple fact that she is und er blood pressure medication can also be
contributing to her problem to reduce sex drive. She might be suffering from old age and stress.
It’s vital to note that women from 40 years and so forth tend to be reaching the menopause and as
such this can also make them lose the drive to have sex anymore, (Duncan et al., 2000). Some
various forms of high blood pressure drugs contribute to low libido and less sex drive in both men
and women and as such causing sexual dysfunction. Blood pressure medication can red uce the
flow of blood to the females’ genitals thus decreasing the rate of arousal, lubrication, and ability
to achieve orgasm.
From a psychological point of view, Robin can be said to be a very dedicated and
hardworking woman considering that she struggled as a single mom of twins at only the age of 15
to raise her two children. She also went forth to study and get a degree. Her sexual relationship
with her partner can be said to be having issues, but her partner is proving to be very supportive
and understanding as he always encourages her. Initially, Robin was very sexual and even
experimented in the bedroom, but this kind of relationship has been having issues due to her low
sex drive.
Socially, Robin is generally an outgoing woman. She is a member of a Motorcycle club
and is usually social as her club members uphold sisterhood and are also supportive of her. Robin
has however lost the zeal to engage in social activities within the club. On top of that, she is very
spiritual, faithful and is part of her church organization.



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