Drama Paper

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English Composition II

Tarrant County College District


750 words, minimum + Works Cited ✦ a MINIMUM of two sources

one citation from the play (one or both)
one credible, scholarly secondary source
✦ citation from the 2016 film version of Fences is optional

perfect MLA Format

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Drama Paper TEXT: Trifles by Susan Glaspell and/or Fences by August Wilson Requirements: ✦ 750 words, minimum + Works Cited ✦ a MINIMUM of two sources ✦ one citation from the play (one or both) ✦one credible, scholarly secondary source ✦ citation from the 2016 film version of Fences is optional ✦perfect MLA Format See list of Possible Topics on the following page. For this paper, you are encouraged to develop your own topic & thesis statement by spending some time researching your chosen play(s) using TCC’s online databases. It would be wise to start early and to keep this paper in mind as you read & re-read the play. What do you find interesting about this play? What questions do you have? We will watch the 2016 film version of Fences during Week Fourteen - after Thanksgiving Break. Plan ahead & take notes as you read! Composition II - Fall 2018 Note: This paper worth 20% of your total grade! Possible Topics: • Write a character analysis about one or two of the characters in Fences and/or Trifles. Does the character change throughout the play? If they do, what is the cause of the change? If they don’t, is their lack of change important? •compare two characters (from the same play or one from each) •consider unseen characters (Minnie Wright, Alberta) • • • • Write about theme. What is the theme of your chosen play? How do you know? How do elements like character, symbolism, setting, foreshadowing, etc. help relate the play’s theme? What does Troy’s expression “You’ve gotta take the crooked with the straights” mean (in general & in the context of Fences)? Is this good advice? Why or why not? Compare the 2016 film version of Fences with the original play by August Wilson. Did you notice any important differences? How do the added visual elements (setting, camera angles, montage) add to the story? Does the play translate well to film? Why or why not? The play Fences is set in 1957 and premiered in 1985. The play was then revived on Broadway in 2010 before Denzel Washington directed the 2016 film version, which won multiple awards. • Here’s the question: How is a play about a family living in 1957 still relevant to audiences today? • Similarly: Susan Glaspell wrote Trifles in 1916, and it is frequently anthologized in American literature textbooks. Why do you think that is? What can we learn from these plays?
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