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ECC 310 Principles of Surveying Provide answers on this sheet and show all work on attached or back Final Exam Fall 2017 Name 10 points An aerial photograph has a scale of 1:24,000. How big of a square area in inches on the aerial photo would equal 150 acres on the ground? 1 acre= 43,560 sq. ft. 2. 15 points A section of straight highway begins at station 12+ 32.45 and ends at station 69+23.34. It has a constant grade from beginning to end with a beginning elevation of 770.43' and ending elevation of 730.25'. It is designed to have of final surface of concrete, 6" in depth and 50 feet wide. How long is the section of highway (horizontal and slope distance), what is its % of grade, how much concrete is necessary for the final surface in cubic yards? 20 points 3. Given: triangle a= 453.23 b= 401.34 Find: Angle A, B, C, C, Bearing C-A A-B = N 20 E B-C = $45 4. 25 points Given: Simple Curve Data A = 41-34 52 R = 710.23 Find: L, LC, T, MO, E, Station of PI and PC. Draw a sketch and label parts of curve. R=710,23 PC = 10 +00.00 30 points 5. Given: Traverse Coordinates N(lat) E(dep) 1 2. 3 4 5(1) 5,000.00 7,537.45 5,567.45 2,234.45 4,999.54 5000.00 7,678.45 10,423.45 7,345.34 5,000. 67 Find: Bearings and distances of traverse lines, and error and relative error of closure of traverse.
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