Applied Database Systems

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PHP/SQL practice 2

Consider the banking example we used before

PHP/SQL practice 3

Consider the banking example we used before

PHP/SQL practice 4

Consider the banking example we used before


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create table branch (branch_name varchar(15) not null, branch_city varchar(15) not null, assets varchar(15) not null, primary key(branch_name)); create table customer (customer_name varchar(15) not null, customer_street varchar(12) not null, customer_city varchar(15) not null, primary key(customer_name)); create table loan (loan_number varchar(15) not null, branch_name varchar(15) not null, amount varchar(15) not null, primary key(loan_number), foreign key(branch_name) references branch(branch_name)); create table account (account_number varchar(15) not null, branch_name varchar(15) not null, balance varchar(15) not null, primary key(account_number), foreign key(branch_name) references branch(branch_name)); create table depositor (customer_name varchar(15) not null, account_number varchar(15) not null, primary key(customer_name, account_number), foreign key(account_number) references account(account_number), foreign key(customer_name) references customer(customer_name)); create table borrower (customer_name varchar(15) not null, loan_number varchar(15) not null, primary key(customer_name, loan_number), foreign key(customer_name) references customer(customer_name), foreign key(loan_number) references loan(loan_number)); /* populate relations */ insert into customer values ('Jones', 'Main', 'Harrison'); insert into customer values ('Smith', 'Main', 'Rye'); insert into customer values ('Hayes', 'Main', 'Harrison'); insert into customer values ('Curry', 'North', 'Rye'); insert into customer values ('Lindsay', 'Park', 'Pittsfield'); insert into customer values ('Turner', 'Putnam', 'Stamford'); insert into customer values ('Williams', 'Nassau', 'Princeton'); insert into customer values ('Adams', 'Spring', 'Pittsfield'); insert into customer values ('Johnson', 'Alma', 'Palo Alto'); insert into customer values ('Glenn', 'Sand Hill', 'Woodside'); insert into customer values ('Brooks', 'Senator', 'Brooklyn'); insert into customer values ('Green', 'Walnut', 'Stamford'); insert into customer values ('Jackson', 'University', 'Salt Lake'); insert into customer values ('Majeris', 'First', 'Rye'); insert into customer values ('McBride', 'Safety', 'Rye'); insert into branch values ('Downtown', 'Brooklyn', 900000); insert into branch values ('Redwood', 'Palo Alto', 2100000); insert into branch values ('Perryridge', 'Horseneck', 1700000); insert into branch values ('Mianus', 'Horseneck', 400200); insert into branch values ('Round Hill', 'Horseneck', 8000000); insert into branch values ('Pownal', 'Bennington', 400000); insert into branch values ('North Town', 'Rye', 3700000); insert into branch values ('Brighton', 'Brooklyn', 7000000); insert into branch values ('Central', 'Rye', 400280); insert into account values ('A-101', 'Downtown', 500); insert into account values ('A-215', 'Mianus', 700); insert into account values ('A-102', 'Perryridge', 400); insert into account values ('A-305', 'Round Hill', 350); insert into account values ('A-201', 'Perryridge', 900); insert into account values ('A-222', 'Redwood', 700); insert into account values ('A-217', 'Brighton', 750); insert into account values ('A-333', 'Central', 850); insert into account values ('A-444', 'North Town', 625); insert into depositor values ('Johnson','A-101'); insert into depositor values ('Smith', 'A-215'); insert into depositor values ('Hayes', 'A-102'); insert into depositor values ('Hayes', 'A-101'); insert into depositor values ('Turner', 'A-305'); insert into depositor values ('Johnson','A-201'); insert into depositor values ('Jones', 'A-217'); insert into depositor values ('Lindsay','A-222'); insert into depositor values ('Majeris','A-333'); insert into depositor values ('Smith', 'A-444'); insert into loan values ('L-17', 'Downtown', 1000); insert into loan values ('L-23', 'Redwood', 2000); insert into loan values ('L-15', 'Perryridge', 1500); insert into loan values ('L-14', 'Downtown', 1500); insert into loan values ('L-93', 'Mianus', 500); insert into loan values ('L-11', 'Round Hill', 900); insert into loan values ('L-16', 'Perryridge', 1300); insert into loan values ('L-20', 'North Town', 7500); insert into loan values ('L-21', 'Central', 570); insert into borrower values ('Jones', 'L-17'); insert into borrower values ('Smith', 'L-23'); insert into borrower values ('Hayes', 'L-15'); insert into borrower values ('Jackson', 'L-14'); insert into borrower values ('Curry', 'L-93'); insert into borrower values ('Smith', 'L-11'); insert into borrower values ('Williams','L-17'); insert into borrower values ('Adams', 'L-16'); insert into borrower values ('McBride', 'L-20'); insert into borrower values ('Smith', 'L-21'); PHP/SQL practice 2 Consider the banking example we used before: branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets) customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-city) account (account-number, branch-name, balance) loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount) depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower (customer-name, loan-number) Write PHP/HTML code for the following problems: Create html and php files so that a user can insert the following customer into the database from a web browser. After the insertion, display all the customers from the web. “John Smith”, “123 Main street”, “Fargo” Submission: Please submit the source code files and the pluto URL (in the comment box) to the form html. Make sure your link is clickable. PHP/SQL practice 3 Consider the banking example we used before: branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets) customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-city) account (account-number, branch-name, balance) loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount) depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower (customer-name, loan-number) Write PHP/HTML code for the following problem: Create html and php files so that a user can delete a customer from a web browser. After the deletion, display all the customers again. Since customer_name is the key of the Customer relation, you may only ask user input for customer_name in the delete form. For testing, use insert_form from lab 2 to insert a new customer, then try to delete the new customer. Submission: Please submit the source code and the pluto URL to the delete form file. Please also provide the link to your insert_form link from lab 2 for easy grading. PHP/SQL practice 4 Consider the banking example we used before: branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets) customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-city) account (account-number, branch-name, balance) loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount) depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower (customer-name, loan-number) Write PHP/HTML code for the problem below: Create html and php files so that a user can update street and city of a customer given his/her name. After update, display all the customers again. Do not allow customer_name to be changed from the web front. For testing, you may use your insert_form from lab 02 to insert a new entry. Submission: Please submit the source code and the pluto URL to the update form file. Please also provide the link to your insert_form link from lab 2 for easy grading.
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