answer these questions ( small paragraph per question )

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What are the two "nuclear options" for dealing with doubts about the continuity or very existence of the self, one expressed by Hume, the other Heraclitus?

Explore the notion that it might be hard to truly imagine a mind existing without a body?

Use Gilbert Ryle's notion of a "category mistake" to critique the notion that the "mind" being something over and beyond all of the various mental properties we already talk about, such as thoughts and feelings and sensations?

Explain Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment, and how it was supposed to cast doubt on the validity of the Turing test?

What is the double aspect theory of the mental states, and what makes it different from all the other theories we considered?

Explain sociobiology's approach to normative ethics, and describe the fallacy most philosophers believe it commits.?

Know the major philosophical objections to relying on Divine Command Theory?

How might one respond to the claim we are all hardwired to be egoists?

What are some of the main problems for utilitarianism?

Give a detailed explanation of Rawl's "veil of ignorance" thought experiment, and what it was designed to show.?

Explain the idea that technology may not give you more choices, just different choices, using examples not given in the lecture.?

Understand Pang's concept of the monkey mind, and how media technology caters to it.?

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