Editing from Audience's Perspective Take 2

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What do we know about our audience?

* They are professors, academics—people who are very smart and educated, and experts in the field of literature & communication

* They are a very ARGUMENTATIVE and SKEPTICAL audience: they want to tear you argument apart! (Remember: Scientists find the truth by trying every available means of disproving their own ideas. That’s one thing scientists and writers have in common.)

* While the readers are very smart, they can’t read your mind.

* You can assume they’ve read the stories, but imagine they read the stories about a year ago. They don’t remember them PERFECTLY.

Look for places where the reader might not:

*UNDERSTAND (where they’d ask “What do you mean?” “Define that term!” “Can you give an example?”)

*BELIEVE (where they’d say: “Prove it!” “Who’s your source?” “Why do you think that?” “Why should I believe you?” “I disagree!”)

*CARE (where they’d say: “Who cares?” or “I already know that!” or “that’s obvious!” or “how does that connect to your argument?”)

Insert a note with your comment in the file. Look at every sentence, every idea, and even every word. Plan to spend 60-90 minutes doing this activity on your own draft, and try to insert at least 50 comments in your draft. Upload it here.

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Running head: AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY ON IMMIGRATION 1 How Do We Live with Immigrants? In the age of globalization and liberalism, there has been a rapid change on how the society is supposed to react to such changes, while having a fundamental understanding and analysis of life and its different dispositions. The question therefore is, in this age of social evolution, how is the youth supposed to live? Which are the life values that a society should adhere to, and what culture are they supposed to uphold? Human beings and their culture are inseparable. It means that for any society to be deemed as societal, it must be cultural. The prevailing idea is that the society has to find a way to find and accept a culture which represents and upholds their ideals, while being a reflection of their identity. With this in mind, the society needs to find a way to live with immigrants and other foreigners. However, there have been people who have been calling for a total overhaul of the immigration policy, arguing that it distorts the dominant culture, increases crime and that a country should not be made to deal with messes in other countries. Culture has been defined as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, customs, laws and other capabilities which are learned, shared by men as members of society, and transmitted from one generation to another” (Friedman, 2018). As time has shown, there has been a crisis between two paradigms. The Western intellectuals have shaped its culture, with an assumed schism against what is painted as a meaningless natural order, and an abstract application of human will which gives meaning and representation to the environment. Technological has become a way through which imposition of this will has been exemplified. In the technological world, nothing has intrinsic value, and value arises from exchange. It implies that almost anything has a price, and this highlights the role of capitalism. It is the simplification ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 2 of liberalism. It is an endless struggle and negotiation for power, and in an empty world which people try to have value by having leverage over others. Then comes the observation that “the actuality of the world – real relationships, real production, real social activity, even the reality of the physical environment – becomes malleable, because everything is a potential tool for bartering in the competition for control” (Bowles & Gintis, 2016). Immigration supports such a position because it increases trade volumes, creates room for innovation and allows each country to tap into the changing paradigm of global relationships. It has been made superfluous by the common labeling of ‘liberalism’ to dismiss immigration yet it has led to undermining of social and cultural traits such as democracy, ethical applications, music, respect for human rights among others. The liberal term has been used to show that in human beings, the basic element is the ego which needs to be guaranteed and gratified. If this condition is not met, there will be a clash between negative liberty and a universal subjectivity, and commodification hinged on capitalism. If so, then it all needs to be seen that immigration conforms rather than challenging the social evolution. In support of immigration, multiculturalism has been painted as a way of dealing with the increased challenges from religious and cultural diversity, and how to respond to such aspects. It is ironical that multiculturalism has been hijacked to apply to the Western discourse, of liberal democracy. Multiculturalism has rejected the notion of a ‘melting pot’ in which members of a minority group are expected to assimilate into the way of life of a dominant culture, and call for a culture which respects the distinctive aspects of each social group, and maintenance of the identities of these groups. Therefore, from such an argument, it means that multiculturalism is compatible, and in support of, rather than in opposition to immigration. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 3 Any modern state is based on the language and cultural behavior of the dominant groups that have been in existence for long in a particular geographical setting. Immigrants not only face a social acceptance issue, but also to practice their way of life, especially if it is in conflict with the dominant behavior. Some theories have asked that the minority groups should be left alone, without any form of state interference. Others feel that toleration of minority groups does not mean treating them as equals. However, there has not been a justification on why some groupdifferentiated traits are only evident on individuals. For instance, why would any immigrants be denied the rights to vote or show educational disparities? Other rights are also ‘group rights’ such as those held by indigenous groups on matters such as the rights to worship, often citing a right to self-determination. It all reeks of imperialism and nationalism. Therefore, such reasons are only flimsy rather than fundamental in denying immigration-friendly policies. Further on the counterargument on immigration, it has been argued that immigration only puts a strain on the dominant culture in the US. The people argue that multiculturalism lacks realism in the current world of political, religious and economic challenges. For instance, the immigrants have been seen to increase crime waves in the US, and put a strain on the available social amenities. They further argue that the current world is not guided by diversity but rather whether each country is able to protect its interests, and the US should be allowed to do so. The feeling is that people should focus on building their countries rather than seeking an escape by gaining entry into the US, legally or illegally. However, how can such a position become possible in a globalized world? Furthermore, the US is a land of immigrants, how does it have the moral authority and audacity to go against its traditions and culture? In all the presented issues, it all shows that in the contemporary world, meaning is not created but rather used as a form of discovery and exploration. The human beings are only ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 4 related not from their relationships but from the need to improve the welfare of others. It overlooks the need to find a common and universal cosmology, not one that reflects the Western intellectual disposition. Immigration is not an issue but rather a morphing of some of the social and cultural ills such as capitalism which has reduced the intrinsic human value to be based on materialism. Immigration should be used to overcome political resentment, fear and unchallenged deceptions, rather than working towards a shared human identity. It is through such overcoming that the society, specifically the US citizens and Western countries, can learn to live with immigrants. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY 5 References Bowles, S., & Gintis, H. (2016). Democracy and capitalism: Property, community, and the contradictions of modern social thought. Routledge. Friedman, M. (2018). Capitalism and freedom. University of Chicago press.
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How do we live with immigrants?
In the age of globalization and liberalism, there has been a rapid change in how the
society is supposed to react to such changes while having a fundamental understanding and
analysis of life and its different dispositions. The question, therefore is, in this age of social
evolution, how is the youth supposed to live? Which are the life values that society should
adhere to, and what culture are they supposed to uphold? Human beings and their culture are
inseparable. It means that culture is what makes a society, and the vice versa holds as true. The
idea is that the community has to find a culture which represents and upholds its ideal and gives
the society members an identity. With this in mind, society needs to find a way to live with
immigrants and other foreigners. However, there have been people who have been calling for a
total overhaul of the immigration policy, arguing that it distorts the dominant culture, increases
crime and that a country should not be made to deal with messes in other countries.
According to (Friedman, 14), Culture has been defined as “that complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, customs, laws and other capabilities which are learned,
shared by men as members of society, and transmitted from one generation to another”. As time
has shown, there has been a crisis between two paradigms. The Western intellectuals have
shaped its culture, with an assumed schism against what is painted as a meaningless natural
order, and an ideal application of...

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