Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica

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This is world and regional geography course assignment. Select one article about Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica Region ,the article would be one country within this region.write the article according to the rubric

Please before you start writing read the rubric and the attached sample

Journal Article write-up rubric

Formatting: Followed all format guidelines 1-1.5 full pages, 11 font size double spaced with 1-inch margins.

Organization: Writing is well organized, includes in the first half a summary of the article and within the second half of the write-up includes the student own original thoughts, questions, and critiques of article. Has appropriate paragraph formatting.

Connection:The write-up makes appropriate connection between the topic the student selected and several key geography themes/terms for the region are in bold/underlined.

Citation: Proper Citation Used including all required information.

Focus: Select an appropriate topic for the designated element of study for the assignment. Topic focus of physical or cultural was clearly stated; region stated.

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Deforestation in Latin America The article I choose this week is about the extensive deforestation that has been taking place in Latin America over the last decade. Latin America has had one of the largest forests around the world. Deforestation has been one of the root causes of global environmental change in Latin America. It caught my attention since it’s a saddening situation. This article focuses on deforestation in South America specifically in Brazil. The Brazil region is covered by humid tropical forests. Latin America has the globe largest land reserves and is known for the rapid agricultural expansion in the current century. Amazon rainforest that rests in Brazil alongside Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana has been significantly destroyed. Moreover, industrial activities and increasing human population have also contributed to the high rate of deforestation in the region. These attributes have also threatened the world richest biodiversity area. Deforestation in Brazil was very extreme that it was once in 2005 ranked as the country with the highest deforestation rate. Deforestation in Brazil Amazon destroys environment not only in Brazil but also the whole globe. Though agriculture may be termed as the root cause of deforestation in the area, other projects have significantly contributed to the problem for instance mining activities and hydroelectric dam projects in the region that lead to more projects in the area such as the development of infrastructure to prevent flooding. Economically motivated activities such as logging have contributed to illegal activities in the forest leading to more destruction of the forest cover. (Aide) It’s unfortunate that deforestation continues to impact the environment negatively, but people are still practicing it. The area has also been made vulnerable to desertification. Once trees are cut, this exposes the soil to the sun and thereby leading to soil erosion and in turn losing its fertility. This process then leads to desertification since soil can no longer support agriculture. Activities such as mining continue to pose the risk of contaminating the water bodies present with mercury and this is not only dangerous to the vegetation present in the rainforest but also human beings who farm and consume the food in the region (Jepma). Meteorologists have also warned on the impacts of deforestation on the climate patterns of the area. The decrease in cloud cover has reduced the amount of rainfall in the affected areas in Brazil. Nevertheless, land heats up faster in this region which will have a negative impact on agriculture in the area. The Amazonian forest is useful in storing carbon which in turn prevents global warming. 1 Extensive destruction of trees completely messes up with the cycle thereby leaving the earth vulnerable to global warming which has its own effects. I find how we choose to live today so horrifying and depressing. People are selfish in their interest by thinking about their welfare and not those of others. Cutting down trees for the gain of a few people and for a short-term gain is depressing. We should consider the long-term consequences of our action and not what benefits us and in turn harms other people. Deforestation in Brazil not only has an effect on the Brazilians but the effects are felt globally as well. The Brazil government should fully endorse measures that seek to stop further deforestation. It might be expensive to compensate and relocate people out of the forest, but the benefits that come along with it are worth the trouble. I think that afforestation processes initiated by the government should be supported by all parties to reclaim the lost glory of the Amazon Forest. Sacrificing economic incentives to protect the forests and soil and in general, nature should be the top priority of every citizen. Laws against deforestation must be implemented to a wider movement to enhance both the living conditions of the local individuals and ensure the durability of their national economies. REFERENCES Aide, T. M., Clark, M. L., Grau, H. R., López‐Carr, D., Levy, M. A., Redo, D. & Muñiz, M. "Deforestation and Reforestation of Latin A America and the C Caribbean (2001–2010)." Biotropica, 45.2 (2013): 262-271. De Sy, V., Herold, M., Achard, F., Beuchle, R., Clevers, J. G. P. W., Lindquist, E., & Verchot, L, " Land use patterns and related carbon losses following deforestation in South America." Environmental Research Letters 10.12 (2015). Jepma, C. J. Tropical deforestation: a socio-economic approach. Routledge, 2014
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