(6-10 pages) Philosophy Paper

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I need to do Philosophy Paper (6-10 pages)

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  • 1.John Stuart Mill. “Utilitarianism,” in Steven M. Cahn’s Political Philosophy, pp. 741-746.

A. Identify in Mill’s text “Utilitarianism” and cite (referencing the page numbers) three central assertions/claims; B. Find in the text and cite one reason given by Mill in support of each of his three assertions. C. Formulate your own position on the issue addressed in each assertion and give reasons in support of your position.

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1. John Stuart Mill. “Utilitarianism,” in Steven M. Cahn’s Political Philosophy, pp. 741-746. A. Identify in Mill’s text “Utilitarianism” and cite three central assertions/claims; B. Find in the text and cite one reason given by Mill in support of each of his three assertions. C. Formulate your own position on the issue addressed in each assertion and give reasons in support of your position. According to (Mill 741) the estimation of pleasure should be based on quantity alone. He states that the difference in quality in pleasure is when two pleasures are involved and one is given more preference than the other regardless of the moral obligations involved it is the more preferred pleasure. Pleasure is thus determined by quantity at any given time, one will have more preference of one over the other and there will always be the most preferred pleasure. Mill also states that it is the business of ethics to guide people to serve the general interest of the society. It is also necessary to understand that there is no ethical standard which states that what we should be guided by a feeling of duty because most of our actions are done from our motives. According to (Mill 743), motives are not directly connected to the morality of an action. If a person saves a drowning child does it because it is morally right whether is motive was to be rewarded or not. I also feel that betraying a friend makes one feel guilty even though he benefited from such action. Critics of utilitarianism state that before an action, there is no time to calculate the expected general happiness associated with an activity. The critics feel that a Christian does not have time to read the new and old testament when they are about to make a decision. But according to (Mill 744), there has been a humble time were human beings have learned how to make decisions based on past experience and as per the morals of the land. I feel that people always have a premeditated time which guides them in making a decision. For example, if a person decides to steal from his neighbor for the first time, he will think of the possible damage and injuries he will create to his neighbor. I feel that people are always guided by the conscious to do the right. Even if they end up doing wrong, there is that inner spirit which tells a person that what you did was wrong. 2
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1. Estimating pleasure by using quantity alone
According to (Mill 741), some pleasures are more compatible and valuable when compared with
others. He states that it may sound unsatisfactory when quality is considered as well as quantity.
Mill feels that quantity alone should be used to estimate pleasure. When a person is asked to state
what it is meant by having quality in pleasure or what makes one pleasure more valuable than the
other is the one with a greater amount. According to Mill, there is no way pleasure can be
measured through quality but the extent to which a person has been experienced it. When two
pleasures are provided were one is been given more preference than the other without
considering any moral obligation to accept it, that is the most preferred one. When one of the two
pleasures is placed on top of the other with a person having much preference to it than the other,
that particular pleasure is the one which is more superior. Therefore, morality is determined by
the amount of pleasure which an activity causes.
The quantity is the outcome, how one feels after the pleasure as taken place is what should be
considered. There is no way to measure pleasure with quality because there is the extent to which
a person is satisfied, which is the quantity. Therefore, Mill feels that considering that fact that
some pleasures are more desirable than the others, it would be awkward to estimate other things.

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Therefore, when considering the use of quality and quantity to measure pleasure, quantity should
be the sole determinant. The fact that a person gives one preference to one pleasure of the other
determines that pleasure should be measured with quantity but not quality. Therefore, Mill feels
that pleasure cannot be measured through quality as ...

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