๐ please Fill in the following information. and let the two parts as separate.
Article Summary: In your own words, summarize the main points the article you chose (150-200 words)
Connections to course topics: Make three specific connections to things we have discussed in financial class(200-300 words) (Just use the financial knowledge to write it)
In my finance class, recently we have learned:
1. Cost of Capital
2. Leverage and Capital Structure
So just connection the article and these knowledge to wright the second part for for the essay.
Just want to say, because I am a international student, please use the most sample word to write. Thanks! :)๐
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Explanation & Answer

Running head: NEWS ANALYSIS
News Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
News Analysis
Article Summary
According to Lahart, (2018), companies should be allowed to report their earnings biannually so that the markets become more volatile and the cost of capital is increased. The
suggestion was made by President Trump who supports the decision by business leaders to stop
the quarterly reports in companies which is a requirement of the SEC. Quarterly earnings are not
preferred by business leaders because investors focus on the short te...