Fictious Spss

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Carefully review the information provided below about the fictitious study, then address each assignment requirement.


You are the new director of institutional research at a small state university, and you have been assigned the task of analyzing information for the dean of the School of Education regarding the performance of their undergraduate students on the often-controversial Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Many educators believe the GRE is a poor evaluator of undergraduate performance as well as a poor predictor of graduate school performance. The dean is considering eliminating the GRE from graduate school admissions requirements.

The dean has already collected data on four variables: 1) gender, 2) grade point average (GPA), 3) GRE score, and 4) graduate degree completion frequency. Your job is to develop a proposed analysis to assist the dean to make an informed decision regarding the future use of the GRE.


(For this assignment, you don’t have to produce any data. This assignment is asking for you to develop the analyses to answer the different questions (see below 1 – 4); relationships questions (What analyses can you use for relationship questions? What types of data (level of measurement)?), for effect questions (What analyses can you use to test for effects of independent variables on dependent variables?) Think on the levels of the independent variables. What types of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio)?), and interaction effects between independent variables.

You should also discuss the assumptions of each test. No data is required to be presented. This is similar to a question that you will encounter in your Doctoral Comprehensive Exams. You should provide information that shows your understanding of the different types of analyses, as well as possible outcomes of the analyses. In addition, you have to include in your discussion the possible conclusions based on the possible results; rejecting the null, and not rejecting the null.

Using this information, develop the following foundational components for a proposed analysis:

  1. A relationship research question involving GPA and GRE scores; corresponding null and alternative hypotheses; the type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine significance; explanations of fictitious outcomes identifying both non-significant and significant relationships as related to both null and alternative hypotheses; and recommendations based on non-significant and significant findings.
  2. A relationship research question involving gender, GPA, and GRE scores; corresponding null and alternative hypotheses; the type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine significance; explanations of fictitious outcomes identifying both non-significant and significant relationships as related to both null and alternative hypotheses; and recommendations based on non-significant and significant findings.
  3. An effect research question involving gender and GRE scores; corresponding null and alternative hypotheses; the type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine significance; explanations of fictitious outcomes identifying both a non-significant and a significant effect as related to both null and alternative hypotheses; and recommendations based on non-significant and significant findings.
  4. An effect research question involving gender, GRE score, and degree completion frequency; corresponding null and alternative hypotheses; the type of statistical analysis to be employed to determine significance; explanations of fictitious outcomes identifying both a non-significant and a significant effect as related to both null and alternative hypotheses; and recommendations based on non-significant and significant findings.
  5. Finalize your report with a written analysis of your results and recommendations for the dean based on your findings.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 12 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.

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Report: reseach proposal for university dean

reseach proposal for university dean
by HAL

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12 min 40 sec 24 min 22 sec






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Report: reseach proposal for university dean

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Research Proposal for University Dean




Research Proposal for University Dean
Educators believe that the academic performance of undergraduate student may be related
to the post-graduation academic performance at the university. From this point of view, they tend
to rely on the undergraduate performance of students as a predictor of how they will perform in
the first years of the University studies. Even while there may be some reasons behind such a
claim, there are multiple other variables that can affect the academic performance of graduate
students. One of the strongest motives that would logically support this claim is the fact that the
student that showed an outstanding performance during the undergraduate courses will already
have developed a strong study skill, that will be of undoubtedly help when it comes to
committing to the need of studying and carrying out the different tasks required in the graduate
courses (Crisp et al., 2015).
The existence of a third variable such as the study habit would justify the possible
relationship between the undergraduate and graduate academic performance of specific students.
Nonetheless, it is important to note how the student undergoes several changes between the
undergraduate situation and once he is studying to obtain a post-graduate course such as an MBA
(Jones et al., 2017). For example, most graduate students often perform such courses
simultaneously with their work which means that they no longer have as much time available to
study or do the different assignments required by the class. As such, they would most likely
exhibit a lower academic performance during the graduate courses as they decrease the amount
of time allocated to study despite the presumably higher difficulty and the stricter requirements
of the courses in a general post-graduate course.



Concerned about how to improve the academic performance of both graduate and
undergraduate students, the University dean has requested an analysis of the different variables
affecting such performance of the students at the University. In this regard, while he has heard of
the possibility of using the undergraduate score of the students (GRE) as a predictor of what the
academic performance will be like in the graduate courses, he is concerned about the objections
raised by some teachers about the fact that the GPE may not be an appropriate predictor of the
GPA score of graduate students considering how the situation of the students has changed
dramatically after their graduation through the entrance in the labor force.
The University dean has already collected information about different variables of the
students, which he hopes will be of help in assessing the current problem. In this sense, he has
recorded the gender, the GPA score, the...

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