248 Chapter 7 • Risk Management
CaSE STuDy 7.2
The Spanish Navy Pays Nearly $3 Billion for a Submarine That Will Sink Like a Stone
In 2003, shipbuilders at Navantia, Spain’s stateowner shipyard, welcomed a contract from their
navy to construct four state-of-the-art submarines.
The S-80 class was going to be an engineering marvel, filled with the latest and most cutting-edge
technology, including a diesel-electric propulsion
system that would be 20% lighter than other ships,
while delivering 50% more power. As the list of upgrades and new technical gadgetry grew, the delivery date for the Isaac Peral—the lead ship in the S-80
class—continued to ship further behind schedule.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t the continuous upgrading
and addition of new equipment that finally slammed
the brakes on the project; it was the startling warning
from Navantia’s engineers that the Isaac Peral was
not seaworthy. The submarine, named in honor of the
Spanish man credited by some as the inventor of the
underwater vessel, was 75–100 tons overweight, an
excess that could make it difficult or impossible for
the submarine to surface after submerging. As a result, the Spanish navy was faced with the challenge
of fixing a submarine that ran the risk of disaster
whenever it decided to submerge!
Navantia admitted the existence of “deviations related to the balance of weight” in the vessel
and estimated it would take up to two years more
to correct the problem, pushing the new delivery
date to late 2018. The firm’s engineers are trying to
determine their best options at this point. It appears
that two choices are most likely: Find a way to trim
the design of the overall ship, which would be very
difficult at this stage in construction, or lengthen
the hull of the already 233-foot submarine to compensate for the extra weight. The problem with this
option is that designers have estimated that for every
meter the hull is lengthened, it will end up costing
nearly 10 million additional euros (about $14 million
dollars). Unfortunately for the Spaniards, independent agencies report that they have already sunk the
equivalent of $680 million into the Isaac Peral, and a
total of $3 billion into the entire quartet of S-80 class
The buoyancy problem is not the only difficulty
facing the program; an analyst said that that submarine’s air-independent propulsion (AIP) system
reactor is also underperforming. A Strategic Studies
Group spokesperson said that the AIP system has
been designed to enable the submarine to operate
underway for 28 days but is currently able to manage only one week. The Group’s memo suggests,
“The buoyancy problem alone could cost up to half
a billion euros to cover redesign and extra construction, without considering the propulsion problem.”
The submarine setback couldn’t have come
at a worse time for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy,
who was already caught up in a corruption scandal and saw his approval rating hit a record low in
2013. Because of the poor shape of Spain’s economy,
Rajoy’s austerity cuts trimmed the Spanish military
budget by 30 percent in 2012, leaving much less
room for added ballast. With reports that the S-80
program will be delayed an estimated two years
and another general election looming in 2015, Rajoy
likely will not see the submarines through to successful launch.
How did such an expensive project get funded at
a time when the Spanish military’s entire special weapons program received a 98% cut? Sheer pride seems to
have been a factor: Spain hoped the S-80 class would
be a new homegrown breakthrough achieved without foreign help. Now that Navantia has entered into
a $15 million contract with the Electric Boat Division
of America’s General Dynamics to help with the redesign, that dream seems dead in the water.17
1. Google “Spain’s S-80 class submarine” and read
some of the articles posted. In your opinion, how
does technical risk cause problems with major
defense projects?
2. Why do you think it is common for defense contractors to add new features and modifications
to current programs? In other words, why do
defense agencies contract for one project, only
to see it often evolve into something new by the
time it is launched?
3. If you were an advisor brought in by the Spanish
government, what advice would you offer them
in managing their defense projects?
Case Study 7.3 249
CaSE STuDy 7.3
Classic Case: Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge
The dramatic collapse of the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge in 1940, barely four months after completion, was a severe blow to the design and construction
of large span bridges. It serves as a landmark failure in
engineering history and is, indeed, a featured lesson in
most civil engineering programs. The story of the collapse serves as a fascinating account of one important
aspect of project failure: engineering’s misunderstanding of the effect that a variety of natural forces can have
on projects, particularly in the construction industry.
Opening in July 1941, the Tacoma Narrows
Bridge was built at a cost of $6.4 million and was
largely funded by the federal government’s Public
Works Administration. The purpose of the bridge was
essentially viewed as a defense measure to connect
Seattle and Tacoma with the Puget Sound Navy Yard
at Bremerton.18 As the third-largest single suspension
bridge in the world, it had a center span of 2,800 feet
and 1,000-foot approaches at each end.
Even before its inauguration and opening, the
bridge began exhibiting strange characteristics that
were immediately noticeable. For example, the slightest
wind could cause the bridge to develop a pronounced
longitudinal roll. The bridge would quite literally begin
to lift at one end and, in a wave action, the lift would
“roll” the length of the bridge. Depending upon the
severity of the wind, cameras were able to detect anywhere up to eight separate vertical nodes in its rolling
action. Many motorists crossing the bridge complained
of acute seasickness brought on by the bridge’s rising
and falling. So well-known to the locals did the strange
weaving motion of the bridge become that they nicknamed the bridge “Galloping Gertie.”
That the bridge was experiencing increasing and
unexpected difficulties was clear to all involved in the
project. In fact, the weaving motion of Galloping Gertie
became so bad as the summer moved into fall that
heavy steel cables were installed externally to the span
in an attempt to reduce the wind-induced motion. The
first attempt resulted in cables that snapped as they
were being put into place. The second attempt, later
in the fall, seemed to calm the swaying and oscillating
motion of the bridge initially. Unfortunately, the cables
would prove to be incapable of forestalling the effects
of the dynamic forces (wind) playing on the bridge;
they snapped just before the final critical torsional
oscillations that led to the bridge’s collapse.
On November 7, 1940, a bare four months after
opening of the bridge, with winds of 42 miles per
hour blowing steadily, the 280-foot main span that
had already begun exhibiting a marked flex went into
a series of violent vertical and torsional oscillations.
Alarmingly, the amplitudes steadily increased, suspensions came loose, the support structures buckled, and
the span began to break up. In effect, the bridge seemed
to have come alive, struggling like a bound animal,
and was literally shaking itself apart. Motorists caught
on the bridge had to abandon their cars and crawl off
the bridge, as the side-to-side roll had become so pronounced (by now, the roll had reached 45 degrees in
either direction, causing the sides of the bridge to rise
and fall more than 30 feet) that it was impossible to traverse the bridge on foot.
After a fairly short period of time in which the
wave oscillations became incredibly violent, the suspension bridge simply could not resist the pounding
and broke apart. Observers stood in shock on either
side of the bridge and watched as first large pieces of
the roadway and then entire lengths of the span rained
down into the Tacoma Narrows below. Fortunately, no
human lives were lost, since traffic had been closed in
the nick of time.
The slender 12-meter-wide main deck had been
supported by massive 130-meter-high steel towers
comprised of 335-foot-long spans. These spans managed to remain intact despite the collapse of the main
span. The second bridge (TNB II) would end up making use of these spans when it was rebuilt shortly thereafter, by a new span stiffened with a web truss.
Following the catastrophic failure, a threeperson committee was immediately convened to
determine the causes of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
collapse. The board consisted of some of the top
scientists and engineers in the world at that time:
Othmar Ammann, Theodore von Karman, and Glenn
Woodruff. While satisfied that the basic design was
sound and the suspension bridge had been constructed competently, these experts nevertheless were
able to quickly uncover the underlying contributing
causes to the bridge collapse:
• design features—The physical construction
of the bridge contributed directly to its failure
and was a source of continual concern from the
time of its completion. Unlike other suspension
bridges, one distinguishing feature of the Tacoma
Narrows Bridge was its small width-to-length
ratio—smaller than any other suspension bridge
of its type in the world (although almost one
mile in length, the bridge was only constructed
to carry a single traffic lane in each direction).
That ratio means quite simply that the bridge was
250 Chapter 7 • Risk Management
incredibly narrow for its long length, a fact that
was to contribute hugely to its distinctive oscillating behavior.
• Building materials—Another feature of the construction that was to play an important role in its
collapse was the substitution of key structural
components. The original plans called for the use
of open girders in the construction of the bridge’s
sides. Unfortunately, at some point, a local construction engineer substituted flat, solid girders
that deflected the wind rather than allowing for
its passage. The result was to cause the bridge to
catch the wind “like a kite” and adopt a permanent sway. In engineering terms, the flat sides
simply would not allow wind to pass through
the sides of the bridge, reducing its wind drag.
Instead, the solid, flat sides caught the wind that
pushed the bridge sideways until it had swayed
enough to “spill” the wind from the vertical
plane, much as a sailboat catches and spills wind
in its sails.
• Bridge location—A final problem with the initial plan lay in the actual location selected for the
bridge’s construction. Although the investigating committee did not view the physical location
of the bridge as contributing to its collapse, the
location did play an important secondary role
through its effect on wind currents. The topography of the Tacoma Narrows over which the
bridge was constructed was particularly prone
to high winds due to the narrowing down of the
land on either side of the river. The unique characteristics of the land on which the bridge was
built virtually doubled the wind velocity and
acted as a sort of wind tunnel.
Before this collapse, not much was known about
the effects of dynamic loads on structures. Until then,
it had always been taken for granted in bridge building that static load (downward forces) and the sheer
bulk and mass of large trussed steel structures were
enough to protect them against possible wind effects.
It took this disaster to firmly establish in the minds
of design engineers that dynamic, and not static,
loads are really the critical factor in designing such
The engineering profession took these lessons
to heart and set about a radical rethinking of their
conventional design practices. The stunning part of
this failure was not so much the oscillations, but the
spectacular way in which the wave motions along the
main span turned into a destructive tossing and turning and led finally to the climax in which the deck was
wrenched out of position. The support cables snapped
one at a time, and the bridge began to shed its pieces in
larger and larger chunks until the integrity was completely compromised.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge: The Postmortem
Immediately following the bridge’s collapse, the investigating board’s final report laid the blame squarely
on the inadequacy of a design that did not anticipate
the dynamic properties of the wind on what had been
thought a purely static design problem. Although longitudinal oscillations were well understood and had
been experienced early in the bridge’s construction, it
was not until the bridge experienced added torsional
rolling movements that the bridge’s failure became
One member of the board investigating the accident, Dr. Theodore von Karman, faced the disbelief
of the engineering profession as he pushed for the
application of aerodynamics to the science of bridge
building. It is in this context that he later wrote his
memoirs in which he proclaimed his dilemma in this
regard: “Bridge engineers, excellent though they were,
couldn’t see how a science applied to a small unstable
thing like an airplane wing could also be applied to a
huge, solid, nonflying structure like a bridge.”
The lessons from the Tacoma Narrows Bridge
collapse are primarily those of ensuring a general
awareness of technical limitations in project design.
Advances in technology often lead to a willingness
to continually push out the edges of design envelopes, to try and achieve maximum efficiency in
terms of design. The problem with radical designs
or even with well-known designs used in unfamiliar ways is that their effect cannot be predicted
using familiar formulae. In essence, a willingness to
experiment requires that designers and engineers
begin to work to simultaneously develop a new calculus for testing these designs. It is dangerous to
assume that a technology, having worked well in
one setting, will work equally well in another, particularly when other variables in the equation are
subject to change.
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse began
in high drama and ended in farce. Following the
bridge’s destruction, the state of Washington discovered, when it attempted to collect the $6 million insurance refund on the bridge, that the insurance agent had
simply pocketed the state’s premium and never bothered obtaining a policy. After all, who ever heard of a
bridge the size of the Tacoma Narrows span collapsing? As von Karman wryly noted, “He [the insurance
agent] ended up in jail, one of the unluckiest men in
the world.”19
Internet Exercises 251
1. In what ways were the project’s planning and
scope management appropriate? When did the
planners begin taking unknowing or unnecessary risks? Discuss the issue of project constraints
and other unique aspects of the bridge in the risk
management process. Were these issues taken
into consideration? Why or why not?
2. Conduct either a qualitative or quantitative risk
assessment on this project. Identify the risk factors that you consider most important for the
suspension bridge construction. How would
you assess the riskiness of this project? Why?
3. What forms of risk mitigation would you consider appropriate for this project?
Internet Exercises
7.1 Go
Management/ROI-TCO/managing-risk-an-integratedapproac-wp1229549889607?articleID=54000027 and access
the article on “Managing Risk: An Integrated Approach.”
Consider the importance of proactive risk management in
light of one of the cases at the end of this chapter. How were
these guidelines violated by de Havilland or the Tacoma
Narrows construction project organization? Support your
arguments with information either from the case or from
other Web sites.
7.2 FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is responsible for mitigating or responding to natural disasters
within the United States. Go to www.fema.gov/about/divisions/mitigation.shtm. Look around the site and scroll
down to see examples of projects in which the agency is
involved. How does FEMA apply the various mitigation
strategies (e.g., accept, minimize, share, and transfer) in its
approach to risk management?
7.3 Go to www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_07.
htm and read the article on managing risks. What does
the article say about creating a systematic methodology
for managing project risks? How does this methodology
compare with the qualitative risk assessment approach
taken in this chapter? How does it diverge from our
7.4 Using the keyword phrase “cases on project risk management,” search the Internet to identify and report on a
recent example of a project facing significant risks. What
steps did the project organization take to first identify and
then mitigate the risk factors in this case?
7.5 Go to www.project-management-podcast.com/index.php/
podcast-episodes/episode-details/109-episode-063-howdo-risk-attitudes-affect-your-project to access the podcast on risk attitudes on projects. What does the speaker,
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, suggest about the causes of project
failures as they relate to issues of risk management?
PMP certificAtion sAMPle QUestions
1. The project manager has just met with her team to
brainstorm some of the problems that could occur on
the upcoming project. Today’s session was intended
to generate possible issues that could arise and get
everyone to start thinking in terms of what they should
be looking for once the project kicks off. This meeting
would be an example of what element in the risk management process?
a. Risk mitigation
b. Control and documentation
c. Risk identification
d. Analysis of probability and consequences
2. Todd is working on resource scheduling in preparation
for the start of a project. There is a potential problem
in the works, however, as the new collective bargaining agreement with the company’s union has not been
concluded. Todd decides to continue working on the
resource schedule in anticipation of a satisfactory settlement. Todd’s approach would be an example of which
method for dealing with risk?
a. Accept it
b. Minimize it
c. Transfer it
d. Share it
3. A small manufacturer has won a major contract with
the U.S. Army to develop a new generation of satellite
phone for battlefield applications. Because of the significant technological challenges involved in this project and the company’s own size limitations and lack
of experience in dealing with the Army on these kinds
of contracts, the company has decided to partner with
another firm in order to collaborate on developing the
technology. This decision would be an example of what
kind of response to the risk?
a. Accept it
b. Minimize it
c. Transfer it
d. Share it
4. All of the following would be considered examples of
significant project risks except:
a. Financial risks
b. Technical risks
c. Commercial risks
d. Legal risks
e. All are examples of significant potential project risks
5. Suppose your organization used a qualitative risk
assessment matrix with three levels each of probability and consequences (high, medium, and low).
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