
User Generated


Computer Science

ISOL 632

University of the Cumberlands


Class – Please select a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for any selected scenario. You can choose any organization's plan or create your own.

1. Describe the key elements of the Disaster Recovery Plan to be used in case of a disaster and the plan for testing the DRP.

2. Briefly discuss the internal, external, and environmental risks, which might be likely to affect the business and result in loss of the facility, loss of life, or loss of assets. Threats could include weather, fire or chemical, earth movement, structural failure, energy, biological, or human.

3. Of the strategies of shared-site agreements, alternate sites, hot sites, cold sites, and warm sites, identify which of these recovery strategies is most appropriate for your selected scenario and why.

4. For each testing method listed, briefly describe each method and your rationale for why it will or will not be included in your DRP test plan.

• Include at least Eight (8) reputable sources.
• Your final paper should be 1,000-to-1,250-words (this word count excludes title page, abstract, references, and appendices), and written in APA Style.

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Explanation & Answer

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Disaster Recovery Plan
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Disaster Recovery Plan scenario
A scenario that can hit an organization is the loss of data center entirely and it can happen
anytime. Considering this situation, an organization should not wait until they face such a crisis
for them to misfortune their data, but they should begin planning on how they can set up the
business processes to avoid such potentials of data loss. Data center loss in the past has made any
organizations stranded for several days or even weeks (Horney, 2016). It also interrupts telephone
communications administrations, leads to wiping out of workstations and several servers.
To guarantee the safety of organizational resources, information and other equipment
should be ensured as a means of disaster recuperation design, and then deciding on the procedures
that will be implemented to provide a rapid return to normal operations in cases of breakdowns in
the organization. To avoid such scrambles, time should be taken to ensure the setups are arranged
in a way that can be recovered quickly.
Critical elements of a disaster recovery plan.
Communication plan
When referring to a fiasco, one of the aspects that should be incorporated is
correspondence. It should be handled in such a way that it brings all the workers in an organization
together to agree on a given situation, and also ensures that correspondence is guaranteed. Reports
by the organization should be checked that they have all updated workers contacts and that he
available representatives should be well informed of their roles which they should handle
whenever a fiasco occurs (Phillips, 2015). Organizations that don't have unique assets for handling
unfortunate situations should have different assignments such as setting up wo...

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