Applying Ethical Decision Making in Health Care

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Health Medical


In preparation for this assignment, read the assigned article, "Making the Case for Ethical Decision-Making Models,” and the following case study:

Case Study

Carrie, a 26 year-old female, is admitted to the hospital following a major motor vehicle accident. She is unresponsive and on life-support machines. The physicians and staff have expressed concerns regarding her ability to recover, as she is now in a persistent vegetative state with no brain activity. Her parents believe that she will recover given time and are insistent that she continue to receive aggressive treatment. Carrie’s husband, Bob, is at her bedside. He is requesting that the physicians stop providing treatment and is adamant that keeping her on the machines is against her wishes. The patient does not have a living will or a medical power of attorney identified. As a member of the ethics committee, you have been contacted to determine the best course of action.


Based on the article's discussion, apply the four key aspects of decision-making models to the case study.

Write a 1-2 page letter to the attending physician and family in which you:

  1. Describe the ethical dilemma.
  2. Offer your recommendation for the best course of action.
  3. Provide rationale for your recommendation.
  4. Identify the ethical problem.
  5. Gather relevant facts and information, considering others in terms of impact, views, and opinions.
  6. Identify different possible options and choose and justify one option.
  7. Implement the decision.

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Explanation & Answer

please find the attached file. i look forward to working with you again. good bye

Ethical Decision-Making Models
7658- Elion,
City View, CA 197854
December 12, 2018
Shirley Benson, Doctor
Curl West Hospital
098 Spring road
Motherland, CA 66774.
Dear Miss Benson:
Subject: Appeal for Carrie’s Medical Attention
As we all know that Carrie was involved in a fatal accident, she is unable to eat or speak
for herself and therefore she is unable to make decisions on her own, I hereby write to request
that she be provided with the necessary medic...

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