i need a essay done on the play wright guerrilla girls it is a art paper as me being a character at that time

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are the historical system of patriarchal domination and racial inequality still a societal issue after the revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s? does the social context of the self proclaimed enlightened ( and largely liberally -biased) elite art world of 1980s new york city still have to contend with discriminatory attitudes and practices ? how does the neo conservative political context of the Reagan era influence the production of art and the art market? are the judgement of artistic quality determined through misogynistic and/or racist social structures and if so how can those judgments or structures be changed?

my teacher gives us roles from this play wright , i am CINDY Sherman and i have to answer this question if i was her living at the time of 1980s where female artist where under represented at that time

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Cindy Sherman: Patriarchal Society in the 80s
Patriarchal Domination and Racial Inequality after 1960s and 1970s
White men still dominate various aspects of the society, including formal employment
and the art world. This dominance of men, especially after the 1960s and 1970s
intenserevolutions,indicates that a patriarchal society persists. The art world exists in the
context of the real world, hence gender and race biases still exist in the 80s. The revolutions
however were dominated by political activism which has given rise to identity politics of the
1980s, hence certain groups are intentional in ensuring their representation in politics and in
other aspects such as the art world. This has especially given rise to an intense art culture
which I believe is a turning point. Most of the underrepresented in the art world, especially
women and people of color, are now fighting for a right to be equally represented(GasperHulvat 16).
Despite recent progress on matters of gender equality and acknowledgement of people
of color’s rights, the practice of art by women and minority races is still a major concern. As
Kate Millett has highlighted in her publication ‘Sexual Politics’, sexism still persists in the
western society(Gasper-Hulvat 18).For the few women in the art world, their work is still
glared discriminatory because it is linked to the fact that they are women. According to a
recently released review of the world’s most contemporary works of art, out of the 169 artists
selected, only 13 of them are female....

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