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Research the social realists who worked under the FSA program during the Great Depression. Write an essay in your own words that addresses the points below: 1. Describe a little about the FSA program. 2. Find a social documentary photograph from an FSA photographer that youResearch the social realists who worked under the FSA program during the Great Depression. Write an essay in your own words that addresses the points below:

  1. Describe a little about the FSA program. 2. Find a social documentary photograph from an FSA photographer that you believe expresses the hardships faced during this decade.
    • Briefly tell the reader about the photographer you selected and the context within which he or she is working
    • Identify the photograph (title, date, etc.), then and analyze the work you’ve selected. Describe the subject matter, emotion and the meaning you take away from viewing this work. Explain why you selected this work.

You do not need an abstract page for this assignment, but please make sure you include an APA-style title page at the beginning of your essay. The body of your essay should be no less than 750 words. Make sure to include your photograph in the document and be sure to cite your sources both in the text and in a References page according to APA standards

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: FSA PROGRAM


FSA Program



Efforts to combat poverty and food shortage in the United States of America has a
long history that dates before the First World War. Numerous programs were initiated under
the ministry of agriculture to aid marginalized and poor farmers to improve their farm
operations to increase their products that could consequently boost their living standards
during the era of great depression and dust bowl that had resulted from the economy clash
between 1929-1939. Farm Security Administration program was an initiative that was
developed after the failure of resettlement administration that sort to transfer the struggling
residents from urban and rural areas to locations under the federal government. FSA program
established in 1937 targeted low-income farmers to support them through the provision of
loans and subsidized farming tools and equipment. Also, the program aimed at refurbishing
the land and society that had suffered from the depression. To achieve these core goals FSA
emphasized on sharecropping, improving on land ownership and tenants and also resettling
farmers in government land that co...

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