700 Word Report on Dr. Maya Angelou and James Baldwin

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Report on Maya Angelou and her political activism/influence with concentration in her experiences on the south post civil war in contrast to her experience writing the poem On The Pulse of The Morning for the inauguration of former president Bill Clinton. Discuss James Baldwin and his political activism and influence during the Harlem Renaissance and his political influences. Compare the two poets and examine where their views intersect. Use at least 4 scholarly resources and cite in MLA format.

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Report on Dr. Maya Angelou and James Baldwin

Dr. Maya Angelou

Dr. Maya Angelou is a well-known American poet, civil rights activist, actress, dancer,
author, and a screenwriter. One of her most famous work is the “I Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings” published in 1969, making a literary history as it was the bestselling nonfiction work by an
African-American woman. She was born in 1928, April 4th, in St. Louis, Missouri and died in
may 28th, 2014 at her home North Carolina a place known as Winston-Salem. Angelou is known
for not only speaking about her life but more for her entire race and gender, something that is well
portrayed in her 1960s and also in her poem “On The Pulse of The Morning” recited in 1993 at
the president Bill Clinton inauguration.

To make a contrast between Dr. Maya Angelou political influence focusing on her
experience on the south post-civil war and on writing the poem for President Bill Clinton, much
can be based on her struggles as a southern black American girl and her experience in involvement
in civil activities in 1960s that eventually led to her later experience as a voice of a black female
writer. Her experiences on the south post-civil war were more of gaining strength and a political
voice to talk about the unspoken relating sexual violence, racism, inadequacies of the justice
system, and economic discrimination (Spring, 2017). At this time she was not such an influential

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writer and political activist as it was during the president Bill Clinton inauguration, a time she
recited her poem “On The Pulse of The Morning”. Her changing experience at the period of the
civil war started to take the direction of being a participant in the civil rights struggles as well as a
staff and to have a been inspired by the speech of Martin Luther King Jr, in 1960 at a church in
Harlem. This l...

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