Quality and Ethics in Qualitative Research

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Question CXU10A

Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research

Understanding the strategies that have been developed to address issues of trustworthiness is the first step. The second step is considering “how could I do that in my own research?” It is important to recognize that it may not be feasible for you, as a novice researcher, to implement all possible strategies.

For this Discussion, you will examine quality, trustworthiness, and credibility in qualitative research and provide specific techniques and strategies.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 11 of the Ravitch and Carl course text and the Shenton article related to trustworthiness in qualitative research.
  • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to search for an article related to trustworthiness and/or quality in qualitative research.

Write an explanation of how you ensure the quality, trustworthiness, and credibility of your qualitative research. Provide examples of specific techniques and strategies. Use your Learning Resources as well as the article you found in your search to support your explanation. Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.

Question CXU10B

Ethics in Data Collection

Research ethics in qualitative research starts with the presumption that the research process is the collaboration between researcher, participants, and context. At the same time, the researcher recognizes that she or he retains power over the data collection process, and the analysis and presentation of results.

As a qualitative researcher, consider how you might accomplish your research objectives and biases with the feelings and privacy of your participants and sources.

For this Discussion, you will explore the ethical challenges you will encounter as a qualitative researcher.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review Chapter 11 of the Ravitch and Carl course text and consider ethics in qualitative research.

Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help to search for an article related to protecting privacy, minimizing harm, or respecting the shared experience of others.

Write an explanation of the unique ethical challenges of protecting privacy, minimizing harm, and respecting the shared experience of others. Use your Learning Resources to support your explanation as well as the article you found in your search. Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.

Question CXU10C/11A

Discussion: Reflections on

Qualitative Research for Social Change

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

—Mahatma Gandhi, (1869–1948)

Indian Leader/Anti-War Activist

Education without action is like a billboard in a basement—big, bold, but actionable to no one. By incorporating social change as part of its mission statement, the leadership of Walden University is asking students, faculty, and leadership to consider the possibility of how to use one’s education to deliberately be in the world and make some part of it a better place.

Consider what you have learned from this course—the fundamental procedures of how to conduct qualitative research; and the critical processes that identify the researcher as a self-reflective co-participant. For this week, reflect on how these considerations have influenced your understanding of research and your direction for your dissertation or doctoral study.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the readings from the Ravitch and Carl and Rubin and Rubin and consider reflecting on your experiences in qualitative research throughout this course.

Review the media programs related to The Qualitative Dissertation Experience: A Doctoral Candidate Experience and consider the experience of other doctoral candidates through this qualitative research process.

Write your responses to the following:

Explain what social change means to you as a Walden doctoral candidate. What experiences from the course most influenced your understanding?

Explain what in qualitative research you would like to know more about as a result of taking this course.

Reflect on your problem statement and the next steps for developing a research topic for your dissertation or doctoral study. Include an explanation of whether you would choose a qualitative approach, why or why not.

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Explanation & Answer


CXU10A, CXU10B, CXU10C, and CXU11A
Thesis Statement: Quality, credibility, and trustworthiness are critical to qualitative research. A
study that fails to deliver on quality, credibility, and trustworthiness has failed as its results
cannot be believed (Kornbluh, 2015).

CXU10A- Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research
CXU10B- Ethics in Data Collection


CXU10C- Qualitative Research for Social Change


CXU11A- Part 4: Trustworthiness and Summary

Running head: CXU10A


Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research

Institution Affiliation



Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research

Quality, credibility, and trustworthiness are critical to qualitative research. A study that
fails to deliver on quality, credibility, and trustworthiness has failed as its results cannot be
believed (Kornbluh, 2015). As a researcher, I would do several things to ensure the Quality,
credibility, and trustworthiness of my study.
Regarding quality, I would ensure that the entire research process produces superior
quality deliverables. I would generate a highly relevant and useful research question. I would
also review good quality literature to gain deep insights into the topics (Kornbluh, 2015). I would
select the best theoretical and conceptual frameworks available to guide the study. Other ways
that I would use to ensure excellent quality results are choosing the best data collection method,
designing superior quality research instruments and testing the instruments to ensure that they
deliver desired results (Ravitch & Carl, 2015). Data collection and analysis are critical to quality
in qualitative research. I would be very keen when collecting data to ensure that I collect the
right kind of data. I would also select the best analysis method to generate useful insights and be
very cautious in the analysis process.
Credibility refers to the confidence that the researcher has concerning the truth and
accuracy of their research findings (Kornbluh, 2015). A technique that I would use to ensure that
the results of my study are credible is triangulation. Triangulation involves using two or more
methods to verify the findings of the same subject (Kornbluh, 2015). If the different methods
used to deliver similar results, there is a high likelihood that the findings are accurate and true. If,
however, the results conflict, there is a high likelihood that the results of the research are



inaccurate and/or false. As a researcher, I would endeavor to honestly determine the credibility
of the study to report accurate findings.
The term trustworthiness is used to describe the...

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