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I attached all instructions please view . everything must be cited and apa format. Also no plagerism I must scan before I submit . Also this has two parts so the power point is one and then a brief summary on another

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| AT&T 8:45 AM 1 77% c = X Assignment Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following topics related to your planned change initiative: 1. Overview of the Planned Change 2. Analysis of the Present Reality, including the following: a. What factors are driving the planned change? b. What related processes/procedures are currently in place within your organization? C. Assess the preparedness of your organization to respond to the demands of the planned change. 3. Vision of the Changed State, including the following: a. Describe the desired end state after the Save and Close Submit < | AT&T 8:45 AM 1 77% c X Х Assignment Pre-Work: Select a change initiative that is relevant to your organization. If you are not currently working for an organization that aligns with your degree program, create a hypothetical organization or choose an appropriate organization within your degree program's discipline. When selecting your change initiative, consider the following: What are thecurrent problems in your organization that warrant a significant, plannedchange? What disruptiveinnovations and/or current trends are driving organizational changes in yourindustry? Save and Close Submit < | AT&T 8:44 AM 1 76% c = X Assignment Wk 6 Individual: Team Leadership Di... Assignment Content Provide a substantive response to the following discussion prompt: Discuss how the Hill Model for Team Leadership, presented in Ch. 14, “Team Leadership," of Northouse (2019), might apply within your field or discipline. Post your response to this graded Discussion Activity by Day Four. Engage in a professional discussion by Save and Close Submit < | AT&T 8:45 AM 1 77% c = X Assignment . What are thecurrent problems in your organization that warrant a significant, plannedchange? • What disruptiveinnovations and/or current trends are driving organizational changes in yourindustry? Assignment Deliverable: Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following topics related to your planned change initiative: 1. Overview of the planned Change 2. Analysis of the Present Reality, including the following: Whatfa la.....ilaulee.. Save and Close Submit < | AT&T 8:45 AM 1 77% c = X Assignment 3. Vision of the Changed State, including the following: a. Describe the desired end state after the change initiative has concluded. 4. Decision Process/Model, including the following: a. Propose a model that depicts the decision-making process that will be employed. b. Describe the overarching process. c. Discuss the following items: i. Your role in the decision-making process for the change initiative (i.e., to what extent will you encourage the participation of others in the decision-making process?) ii. The rationale behind the Save and Close Submit <
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