Web application using HTML5, PHP and MySQL

User Generated




The web application must be created using HTML5, PHP and MySQL. It allows a client/customer to interact and request for a service from a service provider, which then the service provider may accept/reject a service request. If accepted the clients location is sent and service provider delivers its service.


- The design template is preferably done using adminLTE template (https://adminlte.io/preview). Because it's completely ready as well as responsive.

- Attached ZIP file contains examples of many pages for the web application, which can be used as a reference.

Application requirements:

- Choose a language feature.

- There will be 3 different users for the system; customers, service providers and only one administrator.

- Data will be stored using a MySQL database.

- Notifications by email and 'chat icon' once a message in chat is received. Also a minimal ringtone.

Client requirements:

- View and choose a service, which then shows all the service providers available. Once a service and a service provider is chosen, the client can view the price. On acceptance the clients location is sent to the service provider using the chat feature (similar to WhatsApp location feature). Location can be opened via Google Maps.

- Can view the following information about the service provider: Full name, mobile number, services provided and price, photo, location and whether the service provided is online.

- Simple chat feature with the service provider. That's also used to send the location.

- When viewing the service providers available or a certain service providers profile page, 3 buttons will be available for the user to 'Call', 'SMS' and 'Chat'.

- Rate service provider using 5 stars and feedback.

- Report service provider to administrator.

Service provider:

- Able to register using email address.

- Insert the service(s) they provide and price.

- Necessary details to be stored: Full name, email address, mobile number, photo, services provided and price, location.

- Display rating and feedbacks at service provider profile page.

- Simple chat feature with the client.

- Settings page to update personal & privacy information and services/price information.


- Manage services available (only services and not price): Add, edit, delete.

- Manage locations available (Locations tree e.g. towns in a city/state): Add, edit, delete.

- Manage service providers: Add, edit, delete, suspend, reset passwords etc.

- View chat logs.

- Settings page to update personal and privacy information.


You're most welcome to suggest/recommend any fixes/ideas towards this application.

I would also like to get frequent updates and samples on the work while it's being done.

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