Behaviorist and Learning Aspects of Personality

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What can be done to "extinguish" classically conditioned fear responses? Which method seems to work best? Why is it that classically conditioned fear responses are unlikely to be extinguished without some sort of intervention?

Compare and contrast the main principles of classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Provide an example of when classical conditioning may be useful. Provide an example when operant conditioning may be useful.

Take one element of the theories or ideas presented this week and apply it to a real person – for example, someone from current events, politics, business, sports, the entertainment field. Define the terms you’re using, and apply them to an aspect of this person’s life (a specific action, behavior, or decision, for example). How can we understand this person more fully by using this concept to understand him/her?

Please keep this discussion professional remembering that our goal is understanding, never condemning or ridiculing.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello buddy, kindly find your paper attached below. Let me know what you think. Thank you


Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning




Extinguishing classically conditioned fear responses
Classically conditioned fear responses are learned behaviors through which individuals
predict the aversive events. In this case, previously neutral stimuli, which can be termed as
conditioned stimulus, get paired with an aversive stimulus, which in the end triggers a
conditioned response (Friedman, 2016). For instance, if a person in the past experienced an foot
shock, which can be termed as an aversive stimulus in a given room, such a person if he gets into
that room again (neutral context/stimuli), he is likely to express fear or anxiety (conditioned
response) by just getting into the room even though he does not experience any shock.
Nonetheless, there are ways that classically conditioned fear responses can be “extinguished” or
rather overcome. One way of extinguishing a classically conditioned fear response is through
extinction (Friedman, 2016). For instance, in the above case, getting into the room many times,
eventually a person will stop being fearful due to realization that the initial foot shock is no
longer there. In this case, extinction applies to the fact that the aversive unconditioned stimulus
(electrical shock) is withdrawn from the conditioned stimulus (room) as the person is constantly
exposed to that room, which eventually leads to disappearance of the fear response. Also, the
desensitization method can be used to extinguish classically conditioned fear responses, whereby
a person is re-exposed to the conditioned stimulus, which is normally effective in treating fear of
water or even heights.
The method that seems to work best in extinguishing a classically conditioned fear
response i...

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