discussion 5 ART HISTORY 3

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In this exercise, you're going to choose one artwork from the week's materials ( I attached the four pictures for you. You should choose one of them )

that you think encapsulates the main themes and concepts you've learned this week.


Be sure to include in your post...

  • An attached JPEG of the artwork.
  • A clear identification of the artwork (artist name, title, date, art historical movement, medium).
  • A brief analysis of form, noting how this connects to the larger trends of its art historical movement.
  • A brief analysis of subject matter, noting how this connects to the larger trends of its art historical movement.
  • A brief analysis of any larger themes, symbols, or messages present in this work, noting how this connects to its larger trends of the art historical movement.
  • A brief explanation why you think this one work best sums up what you learned this week.

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Figure 25.2 Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers C Courbel 1849. Oil on canvas, 5'3" X 8'6" (1.6 x 2.59 m). Gallerie Neue Meister, Dresden (believed to have been destroyed in World War II). Credit: © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden/The Bridgeman Art Library III. i revel-ise.pearson.com SOLUTION: Comparing and Contrasting two works of art -... Canvas at SMC Chapter 25 Pearson Revel + く = 25.1: Realism In France Q ДА П Figure 25.3 Jean-François Millet, The Sower < ( > ca. 1850. Oil on canvas, 40 x 32 1/2" (101.6 x 82.6 cm). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Gift of Quincy Adams Shaw through Quincy A. Shaw, Jr., and Mrs. Marion Shaw Haughton. 17.1485. Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help 63% Mon 3:02 PM E revel-ise.pearson.com SOLUTION: Comparing and Contrasting two works... Canvas at SMC Chapter 25 Pearson Revel + April/2018 < = 25.1: Realism In France Q О ДА 0 en Shot ... 01.57 PM Figure 25.17 Auguste Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party Document- en Shot 1...2.01 PM All Word dod C aylar ( Rere 1881. Oil on canvas, 51 1/4 x 68 1/8" (130.2 x 175.6 cm). Acquired 1923. The Philips Collection, Washington, D.C. Website Credit: The Phillips Collection Luncheon of the Boating Party was made shortly before Renoir abandoned Impressionism. (1 10 JAN 1 6 1 7 M ПРОС OU W Ps do Ps Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help 41 6% Tue 12:50 AM E revel-ise.pearson.com Chapter 25 Pearson Revel 104.pdf < = 25.4: Photography: A Mechanical Medium For Mass-Produced ... Q В АА 1 Figure 25.36 Julia Margaret Cameron, Sister Spirits N AHIS3- ASSignments С 0.jpg < ca. 1865. Albumen print, 127/16 ~ 10 1/2" (31.6 x 26.6 cm). George Eastman House, Rochester, New York. Gift of Eastman Kodak Company. cree -01 Screen Shot 2019-01...5.52 PM Sister Spirits reflects the impact of the Pre-Raphaelites and Aesthetic Movement, in particular their preference for spiritual images set in the Late Gothic or Early Renaissance periods. Her women look as though they have stenned out of a Perugino nainting and suggest such saints 10 JAN 8 GA WP OG W Ps Ps do 9 O W nes Ps .
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