Discussion 2.4

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Be sure to watch the video and the reading provided before this exercise

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Rethinking the canon

After reading the articles preceding this exercise, how has your understanding of this week's topics changed?

  • What were your initial reactions to Gauguin's paintings, before you read more about him? After you learned more, did you start to see his works in a different way? Did you start to interpret them different or did new aspects of his work stand out to you?
  • How can you relate this back to our discussion back week about Japonism? In what ways are Gauguin's obsessions with "primitivism" similar or dissimilar to Japonism?
  • Imagine you take a friend to a modern art museum and you walk into a Gauguin exhibition. How would you go about explaining his work to them in a way that relates his form and formal choices with his content and his ideologies?

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Running Head: DISCUSSION 2.4


Discussion 2.4
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Discussion 2.4
Gauguin has always been one artist who manages to use his piece of art and in many
cases paintings to pass his message even though at times in a rather coded and complicated way.
My initial feeling and perception ...

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