Professional Experience #2

User Generated




Step one: On the top of the page, there is a Link to One Drive – that link will take you to a PowerPoint presentation template entitled "WK3_FAQ." Click on the link and review the document.

Step two: Choose an unanswered frequently asked question from the “Wk3_FAQ” document.

Step three: Write the best answer possible to the question. Make sure your answer is no less than 20 words and no more than 50 words or else your submission will not be eligible for credit.

  1. If you use an outside source to complete your response, provide an APA-style in-text citation and a reference.
  2. If you use the textbook to complete your response, include an APA in-text citation (no reference is needed). Include the page number in the citation. Step four: Put your first and last name in the "Employee" section. Step five: Submit the answer to your chosen question to Blackboard using the Professional Experience #2 link in the Week 3 tab in Blackboard.

In order to receive your points for this assignment, you must do the following:

  1. Choose an unanswered question
  2. Make sure your answer to the question is no less than 20 words and no more than 50 words exactly – use the Word Count tool in Microsoft Word to check
  3. Remember, citations and references do not count towards the word count
  4. Provide a viable, complete answer (you must provide a hyperlink to the resource if applicable and clearly give credit in another way – e.g., provide an in-text citation for the textbook (no reference needed) and an in-text citation and a reference for an outside source used)
  5. Fill in the "Employee" section with your name
  6. Submit your FAQ answer to the Week 3 Professional Experience #2 link in Blackboard

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