3 discussions for 3 classes

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Project Procurement Management


ENG 315: Professional Communications:

"Format and the Professional World"

Select ONE of the following:

  1. There are several different formats (emails, letters, reports, slides, and more) we will study this quarter. How important is the format in connecting with an audience? Defend your answer with relevant support.
  2. Consider a time when the way a message was delivered to you made a difference. What were your expectations about the message and how were they influenced or changed by the manner in which the information was delivered?

BUS 437: Project Procurement Management:

“Managing Configuration and Data for Effective Project Management.” The process protocol model consists of thirteen (13) steps from Inception to Feedback.

  • What are the steps?
  • Can any be skipped in this process model?

HIS 104: American History to 1865:

Using chapter 3 from last week and chapters 4 and 5 from this week, along with other sources in the webtext and the Instructor's Insights, answer the following:

  • Where were the following people found: Spanish, French, Native, Dutch, English and slaves (initially white and black) located? Are these regions still distinct today?
  • On the Atlantic Coast, most scholars say there are three distinct regions. My notes say there are more. What do you think?
  • After skimming chapter 5, what problems affected the colonists in the 1600s and especially 1700s?
  • How is this relevant for today? (Hint: think politics, society, culture and religion)

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The Three Discussions



ENG 315: Professional Communications:
Communication has always been a way of making people understand exactly what the
intended purpose of a message is. Communication has also evolved over time and in the
contemporary world, it is judged by how well it happens. Among the many elements of
communication, there is the mode and way within which a message is delivered. Depending on
how it is done, communication as a whole can then be put on a scale. This paper will aim to
deliberate on personal experience of how the delivery of a message was of great significance and
difference altogether.
In my personal experience, I realized a significant difference and significance after a
message was delivered to me in a unique way. The message was not one that one would say was
eye-catching and were it to be delivered by any other person, it...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!


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