Intercultural communication

User Generated




I need this assignment done in one day. Please respond and let me know if you can do it and if so how much. 

The Assignment is to observe and report the verbal and nonverbal communication of the characters portrayed on screen, assess their effectiveness as intercultural communicators, and offer your ideas about the effect of different cultural identities and how best to communicate across cultures.

You should observe 20 to 30 minutes of the film or television program you choose, taking notes on your observations to be sure you understand what happens and have plenty of detail when it is time to write. 

Watch the material you have chosen. Take notes on the words the characters use, how they construct their conversations, and whether a dialect is involved. Do all the characters speak the same language with the same facility? Does language give you any clues about culture or status?

Turn down or turn off the sound and watch the material again. What do you observe about characters’ nonverbal communication? Does it reinforce, replace, or contradict what is being said? Does nonverbal communication help or hinder the verbal messages? Do you see misunderstandings because of cultural differences?

Watch the material again. How does each kind of communication contribute to understanding? How does each cause misunderstandings?

Assignment Guidelines:
The paper must Be 700-800 words

Information to include:
An introductory statement
The name of the film or program and the characters you observed
Observable linguistic differences
Observable cultural differences
Observable social differences
Your assessment of the effectiveness of the verbal communication
Your assessment of the effectiveness of the nonverbal communication
Your ideas about how cultural differences affected this communication
A summary statement

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