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To support your paper, you have been asked to create a concept map to better understand a conflict situation you have been part of. Please see paper description for details on the concept map and paper.

  • Complete a concept map building the conflict. You can use the website to find samples of concept maps. Find a style that best portrays the conflict you writing about.

**** i am attaching 2 concept map as a sample. these are done by other students. i am also giving you the description.

Sample description-

My concept map highlights both the positive and negative conflict styles and its’ ripple effects with both my leadership team and my scrum team. Highlighting the onset of this particular conflict was the fact that our leadership team “knighted”each team to be able to make decisions on how they build a product for a client. However, when the team does not build a product to leadership’s expectations, leadership places blame on the individual teams in their building it wrong.

This leadership style, though freeing, also enhances a team’s vulnerability to being substandard. In this particular scenario, a product built with a widget considered required before handing off to our client. As a newly formed team, there was no expertise to speak up and ensure the building of this particular requirement. Leadership’s outward portrayal of their disappointment in our team provided a competing conflict style that strained working relationships, decreased initiative and motivation for the continued focus of the project (Thomas, 2002).

Throughout the past three weeks in efforts to solidify a resolution to this conflict, I practiced competing and collaborating techniques in stating my path with leadership. Discussing these items took an extraordinary amount of courage and confidence to approach my leadership team. I shared with leadership that my team is currently exhibiting fear of conflict and absence of trust with each other and with leadership. However, in following Patterson’s, Crucial Conversations guidance, I was able to share my facts, talk tentatively with all parties, and encourage conversations between the two sides (Patterson, K. 2012). As a result, a member our leadership team is having lunch with our technical lead to garner a more personal relationship and to seek understanding of our perspectives. Additional leadership members are creating relationships with all team members to help break down barriers and cultivate an environment where leadership is approachable.


Thomas, K. W. (2002). Introduction to conflict management: Improving performance using the TKI. CPP ASIN: B0006RZL4C

Patterson, K. (2012). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-177132-0

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Lack of accountability Tough to form a rekationship Fixed Mindsets Lack Of Emotional Intelligence No clear goal Lack of training Worked out of fear No Adaptability Team Leaders Team Members Reactive vs. Proactive Leadership Style Not empowered The Team Peers No collaboration Leadership Style & Goals conflict No trust Were workers not leaders Had opposing perspective with my leader about how to lead my team and our end goal Micromanage Defensive Tough to gain buy in Conflict Style Not empowered Lack of growth Avoidant (me) Formed resentments Competing (her) Lack of trust No collaboration Excluded PROTECTED EXEC STAFF Allowed Inappropriate Exec Staff Behavior FELT JUSTIFIED Bullied Additional Lack of Trust Felt Powerless DEFINSIVE AVOIDANCE Morals and Values Difference Misused Funds Overall Mistreatment Conflicts between myself and my previous employer originated from distinct differences of our individual morals and values Black-Employer White Me REFLECTED BLAME LIED Reported to Community Board of Directors Complete Lack of Trust Felt Watched MISTRUST MISTRUST Asked for Email In/Out INVASION OF PRIVACY Lack of Trust Major actions are connected directly to the central concept and other ideas and / or reactions branch out from those.
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