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this work is devided in three parts so i need three files

part 1 in first file

part 1 and part 2 in 2nd file

and all parts in thirs file

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• Project Charter Part 1 Overview The project charter provides an overview of the proposed project and is a working plan for how it will be executed. It contains key information including the who, what, when, and where of the project and how it will be conducted. For this assignment, you will use information from the interview you conducted and the template linked in Resources to develop the first part of the project charter for your project. Instructions Drawing from the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement identified in the leadership interview, begin to develop a project charter for the topic. Although this project should address a relevant gap, data or contextual evidence may not be available. In that case, you may use fictitious information for this assignment or obtain data from the general literature (make sure to cite the source). Using the Project Charter Template provided, complete Part 1 for this assignment. Write in the narrative where indicated. Be succinct but be sure to include all required information. Use citations as needed and include the reference list on the last page. The following instructions correspond to the criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point: • o • o • o • • • o • Create an acronym to identify the project name. Get creative! A good acronym is memorable and distinct. Justify the selection of departmental and executive sponsors. Describe briefly why you chose these sponsors (fiscal, political, other support?). Describe the overarching aim of the project, including the impact on a process or systems change. Include a specific goal you hope to achieve by the end of the project. Summarize the specific project strategy or intervention that will be used to accomplish the goal or aim. Identify and provide a brief description of project team members and reasons for your choices. Describe the impact the project will have on stakeholders, including patient safety and quality. Be sure to note how you will include the voice of the patient or consumer. Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting. Additional Requirements • • • • • Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately. Length of paper: Complete all fields of Project Charter Template Part 1. Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template, reference list last page. APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format. Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 points. Resources • • • • Project Charter Part 1 Scoring Guide. Project Charter Template [DOCX]. APA Module. Capella University Library. • Toggle Drawer [u07a1] Unit 07 Assignment 1 Project Charter Part 2 Overview Continuing to draw from the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement identified in the leadership interview, complete Part 2 of the Project Charter Template begun in Unit 5. Instructions The following instructions correspond to the assignment scoring guide criteria. Part 2 of the project charter should: 1. o Summarize the proposed project. Describe who, what, when, and where in a concise manner. o Include the estimated project duration and budget if applicable. o Align the project purpose with at least one strategic priority identified in the leadership interview, including rationale for change. o Justify the business case for the project. o Speculate as to the impact on people, processes, or systems. 2. Explain the objective evidence to support the need for the proposed project. o Provide contextual information identified during the leadership interview. o Include available local, regional, and national data as empirical evidence of the need for change and cite sources appropriately in APA format. 3. Justify choice of three SMART objectives related to the proposed project. 4. Summarize what the project will and will not address (project scope). 5. Summarize the project deliverables, including milestones. o Identify the high-level "products" to be created, such as an improved process, employee manual, or formal policy. o Include a timetable with daily, weekly, and monthly milestones. 6. Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting. Additional Requirements • • • • • Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately. Length of paper: Complete all fields of Project Charter Template Part 2. Be concise while making sure to include all required information. Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template. Add your references to the references page you began for your previous assignment. APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format. Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 points. Resources • • Project Charter Part 2 Scoring Guide. Toggle Drawer [u09a1] Unit 09 Assignment 1 Final Project Charter Continue to draw from the gap, need, or opportunity for improvement identified in the leadership interview to complete Part 3 of the Project Charter Template. In addition to completing Part 3, remember to revise Parts 1 and 2 based on instructor feedback from the previous assignments. You are also required to create and submit a data collection tool in Excel and submit as an appendix to your project charter. Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you complete your assignment. The following requirements correspond to the criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point: 0. Analyze organizational or system strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in relation to the selected project aim. o Support the SWOT analysis with contextual information specific to the organization or health care system. o Identify and rate major known risks (low, medium, high risk) that could be barriers to the project. o Explain major assumptions for the project, including a description of logistical constraints that may affect the fidelity of the project. 1. Summarize pertinent ethical considerations that may be encountered during the project. o Address protected health information, HIPAA, human subject considerations, equitable care, and appropriate use of data. 2. Describe the communication strategies that will be used during the project. o Specify how the project manager will communicate to the executive sponsor, project team members, and stakeholders, including frequency of status updates, project team meetings, and so on. o Include descriptions of any visual tools or processes that will be used in communication such as Gemba walks, Gantt charts, dashboards, or safety cross. 3. List proposed outcomes and corresponding metrics to measure the outcomes. o Operationally define outcome measures. o Operationally define process measures. 4. Describe the purpose and use of the data collection plan. o Include a description of primary or secondary data, source, data integrity, and data security plan. o Attach a data collection tool in Excel appropriate for the data source and time frame for the project; include this as an appendix. 5. Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting. Additional Requirements • • • • • Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately. Length of paper: Complete all fields of the Project Charter Template succinctly but thoroughly. Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template and add references to the reference list on the last page. APA format: Cite your sources using current APA format. Font and font size: Times Roman, 12 points.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, I have just completed the first part of the assignment. I will now be working on the other parts of the paper. \nice working with you.

Project Charter
Part 1
General Project Information
Project Name

J. C. M.-Chair of the Board

Executive Sponsors

Fiscal and political support in the Board for approving the project plan as well as the
necessary expenditure for the project.

B. G. N.-Chief Executive Officer

Provide critical leadership and political support as the head of the executive team.

Based on past experience and abilities, will also responsible for marketing the project’s
feasibility to the Board of Directors.


R. C. P.-Head of Medical Records Department

The Head of Medical Records Department oversees the collection of patient
information, its protection and dissemination in the hospital.

Will be critical in the process of identifying relevant information to be included and also
lead the department in adopting and implementing the new system.

A. D. N.-Head of Human Resources Department

Facilitate execution of roles for different medical staff including the creation of
positions and removal of others. Also, oversee training and performance monitoring.

Based on the involvement of staff, the head of HR will be important in facilitating the
training process and also handle any changes in position required after project

Department Sponsors

J. K. M.-Admissions Department

In charge of ensuring personal information is obtained and relevant consent forms

Will be important in ensuring correct patient information is available and match it to the

W. N. M.-Accident and Emergency

In charge of ambulatory and emergency services provision

Provide information on what matters for the department’s effective functioning so that it
is considered during the system development.


This project’s aim is the electronic consolidation of patient data and, thus, ensuring that it can
be securely accessed and shared to improve quality of care for patients.
Goals and Impact
Project Aim

Ensure a reduction in prescription errors

Less paperwork in the hospital setting and thus reduced storage cost

Improved collaboration between physicians

Increased productivity and more time spent on pa...

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