Discussion 1.1

User Generated




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  • Specifically notes at least 3 formal elements that significantly contribute to these works.
  • Includes a discussion of "arbitrary color" and "primitivism," where appropriate.
  • Offers at least two ways in which these works are formally different from previous traditions in representing windows/space and reclining nude female figures within the history of Classical Western art.

    (To help you answer this question, see an example of how windows/space were represented in the right panel of Campin's "Annunciation Triptych," ca. 1427-32,
    by clicking HERE (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.; and how the reclining nude female figure was represented in Titian's "Venus of Urbino," 1538, by clicking HERE (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..)

Henri Matisse, “The Open Window” (1905, French Fauvism, oil on canvas)


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Henri Matisse, “Blue Nude: Memory of Biskra” (1907, French Fauvism, oil on canvas)


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Henri Matisse, “Reclining Nude, I” (1906-7, French Fauvism, bronze)

Matisse nude sculpure

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Explanation & Answer

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The open window art by French fauvism has various elements of art that can be noticed at
a close view to capture all the details contained in it. This is so because it is a medium size art
with a lot of details that cannot be discovered by a long-range view as the case of bigger
paintings. Talking of composition of the artwork, the picture is of an open window that allows
for a beautiful view outside ...

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